Gas. Oil. Petroleum. Theft. Ass-ramming. Whatever you want to call it, it is apparently posed both as one of America's worst problems and one of its greatest successes. On the surface, it may seem to be a problem, and it is for the nation's citizens. But the government has had its chances at control, and either it has missed them or it has ignored them. And the prices aren't due primarily to overseas conflicts as it may appear, as American oil companies have recently had their greatest profits, far more than in previous years.

I'm not going to yell conspiracy, but one chance we had at redemption was the electric car. Now, I know this car wasn't ideal for many people who need to travel great distances, but for commutes to work and such, it seems like an amazing alternative to oil-guzzling petroholics. We saw the electric car in California for a couple of years only for it to disappear. The nation hasn't heard from the alternative since. They say good ideas don't die, so I hope the electric car can manage to survive. As technology advances, I see no reason why the tech of the electric car can't advance so that the car lasts longer and is eventually a more ideal vehicle for road trips.

Sure, there are "hybrids" out there right now that combine oil and electric technologies, but of course, they still use oil. And with the oil companies reaping benefits like never before (and Americans with asses sore like never before), they have no reason to worry right now as the hybrids aren't making a large enough splash to really put any kind of dent in the oil companies' massive tank.

I don't know, I kind of made this post as a rant, and a bit of a look back -- what did happen to the electric car? It seemed to be such a promising technology, the kind that one hopes will advance. I hope the idea hasn't been reaped by the reaper itself, Big Oil. With recent murmurings of possible "water fuel," one can only keep faith that the oil ass-ramming will end soon enough.