Quote Originally Posted by Glenn
Giff, I don't think the Dems or the Granholm campaign have even begun to fight yet.

I fully expect those poll results to be turned around once that happens.

They'll tie DeVos to his pyramid schemes, the shipping of jobs overseas (while at the same time saying "we can't keep our talented young people in-state"), and connect him with his Bush support/contributions and they should be quite successfull, IMO. There's plenty of ammunition to choose from.

On a side note, I tailgated with Granholm at a UM football game about 3 years before she won the Governorship, and she's hella cool.
I bet she is on your MILF list, isn't she?

I think she will end up winning. But her approval ratings are pretty dismal. And for an incumbent to be actually trailing in the polls in July is a rarity. It's too bad that she probably can't win without making DeVos the issue, and driving up his negatives, instead of simply being able to point to her accomplishments as Governor. Again, it shouldn't even be a race, but it is.