Quote Originally Posted by Gecko
Quote Originally Posted by Seraphim
Quote Originally Posted by Glenn
Game 6 on the road? LeBron's home court?

We're going to have to win this one 5 on 8.
the refs have been fucking us the whole series. unfortunately we havent been playing well enough to make it irrelevent. and dan crawford is still a bad luck ref after last nights debacle.
Sorry I can't agree here. Rip and Ben get as money phantom calls as Lebron does. Rips triple lindy backflip dive yesterday earned him an emmy in my book along with 2 of Ben's patented phantom push in the back going for a rebound. Though I do expect Bron to get the calls at home.
last i checked most of rips flops were no calls or fouls on him. and lebron is using his off arm on 80 percent of the time. i cant one on one hand how many times he's used it to get space. even on that mo evans burnage 3 pointer at the buzzer in cleveland he used it. it has almost never been called. in fact i rephrase that. it quite possibly has never been called for the whole series period. with that said its still irrelevent to us losing. we had the biggest hand in that.