I only heard of this yesterday as I was driving home listening to AM 640 (a local radio station in GR). Tyrone was the show's host and I like to tune in once in awhile to listen to him to get the viewpoints of people from other races. Usually he hates on whitey, but it doesn't turn me off, since it's usually well-placed anger.

Anyway, he was crucifying Rush for his comments about the Duke Lacrosse fiasco. In passing, Rush said something to the effect of "those Duke players down there, bangin' some hos." It was out of context, but it was completely uncalled for, and he immediately got a response from his listeners. When he came out of break, a black listener called him (Rush) and jumped all over him about calling the victim a 'ho'. To his credit, Rush apologized three times.

Tyrone replayed all of that for his audience, understandibly pissed, and continued to completely berated Rush. He would not accept his apology, since Rush most likely actually feels this way about black women (his words). Now, I think Rush is a dickhead, and have heard enough to figure out that he's a douchebag racist (see his comments about McNabb, for starters), HOWEVER, as Tyrone was blasting Rush, he went a step too far. He said something to the effect of "See? This is how they do. They have it in their heads that all black women are hos..."

That's when I got pissed. Why is it completely unacceptable for a white man with a microphone to generalize (which Rush didn't do - he said 'hos', he didn't generalize black women), but a black man with a microphone can label all white people as racist? I understand why he was pissed, and I sympathized, but then he went and basically called me a racist. I didn't have my phone on me, but I reaaaaally wanted to call him and question his line of reasoning.

Anywho, just thought I'd share.