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Thread: GotCrotty? VS. World

  1. #1

    GotCrotty? VS. World

    Since the new terrordome is lacking some excitement, I have decided to make all of you hate me, and I will now state my hatred for all of you, poster by poster.

    MoTown: You are a queer, I hate you.

    Taymelo: You think you are a slick, hotshot lawyer, really though, You ain't shit. Stupid Asshat.

    Mola: Bitchmade, enough said.

    Glenn: The Steelers fucking suck.

    NoQ: I really can't think of any reason to hate you, so I will avoid the wrath of Elektra and say you are a good fellow.

    Denny: You try to hard to be funny, Chick assasins don't work for you, fuck off.

    Dr. Tre: State sucks, you are not smart. That is all.

    PNF: You like thekid way too much, your own punishment is being forced to talk to him.

    Pharoah: Invented Outback Steakhouse.

    Jethro: Pretty arrogant, thinks he knows all, uses big words to sound smart, attacks people defending him, just kind of an all around assclown.

    Macdaddyfromcincinatti: You my boy.

    Thekid: you are 12

    Mikey: You are brothers with thekid.

    Anthony: You are brothers with both Mikey and thekid... and you suck at photoshop... bitch.

    TK: You are a failed Gay Stip Club Owner turned abusive alchoholic flamer.

    Gutz: Well, we've already been there.

    Fraserburn: I don't like your name, therefore I hate you.

    Muteboy: SHUT THE FUCK UP!

    Shugadaddi: You know more about Hockey than I do and I don't really care so... fuck you.

    Artermis: You always sign your posts Art, DAMNIT!!!!

    Koolaid: You take shit way too seriously, and if someone disagrees with you, you are gay to them. Therefore, I do not like you.

    Unclecliffy: You are the most negative poster, always a neysayer, what the fuck?

    Matt: You had a cool name before, should have kept it... bitch.

    WTFChris: You are too nice to everyone, enough said.

    Sweet Jesus: Huge tool.

    George Dubya AKA GWOW: Your schtick was funny the first two posts I read, anything after that has become lame as hell.

    Spartansteve: Tainted the terrordome with his trash already, shall not happen again.

    That is all for now, if you hate me as well, do not be afraid to express it.

  2. #2

  3. #3

    Re: GotCrotty? VS. World

    Quote Originally Posted by GotCrotty?
    Thekid: you are 12
    You are the most idiotic piece of trash ever to disgrace this earth.


  4. #4
    That is probably the most in-depth, most thought through post you have ever had, Crotty.


    p.s. Fuck you.

    Quote Originally Posted by WTFchris
    MoTown is right.

  5. #5
    Anthony: You are brothers with both Mikey and thekid... and you suck at photoshop... bitch.

    Bitch, I take back all the photoshops I ever did for you!

    You got me on the other point.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Welcome to Detroit...Oregon. Home to Detroit Lake and nothing else.
    PNF: You like thekid way too much, your own punishment is being forced to talk to him.
    Actually, I talk to the kid on AIM. And our conversations are pleasant.

    Your plot failed.

  7. #7
    what is up with pnf and thekid? It seems like he has a crush on him.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by PhilipNelsonFan
    PNF: You like thekid way too much, your own punishment is being forced to talk to him.
    Actually, I talk to the kid on AIM. And our conversations are pleasant.

    Your plot failed.
    Damn you! I shall have my vengeance... :twisted:

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Welcome to Detroit...Oregon. Home to Detroit Lake and nothing else.
    Quote Originally Posted by UncleCliffy
    what is up with pnf and thekid? It seems like he has a crush on him.
    Something is up with us? Like what?

    And fuck that notion. My crush is geared toward Elektra. Women of power = sexy.

  10. #10
    MM fuck yeah crotty loves me 8)

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