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Thread: OGT: Pittsburgh Steelers @ Cincinatti Bengals

  1. #1

    OGT: Pittsburgh Steelers @ Cincinatti Bengals

    An OGT for a Pittsburgh-Cinci game? Why not, i know more than a few of you here are Steeler fans.

  2. #2
    Cincy is going to win...This team has a swagger and really want to take it to Pitt.

    I cannot wait to see what C Johnson has up his sleave

  3. #3
    Glenn must go solo on this one.

  4. #4
    Carson down...that does not help...great and a fight in the end zone, lol.

  5. #5
    Pittsburgh is in Cinci's head early. Pitt roughing up up Cinci and sending a message.

  6. #6
    Now they are saying that carson is done for the rest of the game...lol, what a shitty break for the cincy fans...

  7. #7
    Man if Palmer didnt get injured, Cincy would win.

  8. #8
    Cinci had no chance they got punched in the mouth and had no answer. Palmer or not the Steelers put a 30 spot up on Cinci.

  9. #9
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Great game.

    Too bad about Palmer, never like to see that kind of thing.

    Polamalu is a beast, but what the hell was he doing with that lateral shit? I though Cowher was going to bludgen him with the chin. It was funny when Simms said something about "what is it with guys from USC and lateralling?"

    It's a good season now. Actually, I wouldn't have been that crushed even if they had lost, since the season ends in Indy this weekend. I was way more disappointed last year during the 15-1 season, that was our chance.

    This year? No chance.

    God bless Jerome Bettis. I wish they could convince him to come back for 1 more year, he just might...
    Find a new slant.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn
    Great game.

    Too bad about Palmer, never like to see that kind of thing.

    Polamalu is a beast, but what the hell was he doing with that lateral shit? I though Cowher was going to bludgen him with the chin. It was funny when Simms said something about "what is it with guys from USC and lateralling?"

    It's a good season now. Actually, I wouldn't have been that crushed even if they had lost, since the season ends in Indy this weekend. I was way more disappointed last year during the 15-1 season, that was our chance.

    This year? No chance.

    God bless Jerome Bettis. I wish they could convince him to come back for 1 more year, he just might...
    I made a comment about the lateraling during the USC game. It wasn't exclusive to USC it's been going on all freaking year in both the Pro's and college. It's really been anamoly and something new this year. My opinion is the lateral has become the football equivalent of the slam dunk. The lateral is so sportscenter and somewhere players have picked up on it. If I was a coach at any level, first thing I tell my players is I am going stick my foot in the ass of the next guy who thinks a lateral is a good idea.

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