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Thread: Gas prices redux

  1. #1
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Gas prices redux

    I know we had this discussion at ye olde board, but seriously, $2.95/gal.?

    Fuck this shit.
    Find a new slant.

  2. #2
    Hahahaha. You dumbass.

    It's $3.15 here in Los Angeles.

    L.A. wins again.


    Ummm.. waitaminute...

  3. #3
    The Healer Black Dynamite's Avatar
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    Having an awkward moment just to see how it feels.

    Bush: You'll have to excuse for one second 'dere. I mighta just had an orgasm inside my head from all the money i'm getting off you suckers! Sweet Ben Franklin where have you been all my life. Oh wait, Did i say that out loud? My bad.
    Stalked by a Mod who gives 1 percent credence.

  4. #4
    CNN had a cool thing on last night. I wish I could have caught it from the beginning. They looked at gas prices and a potential energy crises in the year 2009 due to an over usage of oil and a possible oil shortage. It was really interesting. They had some potential situations involving terrorists & shit like that.

    But for now, fuck our clown ass president. Fuck him and his fucking family. I hope they down in an oil pit. This is fuckin outrageous. My fucking Ford Taurus
    takes close to $40 to fill up. Fuck this shit. I'm riding my bike to school.

  5. #5
    I bought a dodge ram last year thinking that 2.50 would be as high as gas would get, I really never envisioned it getting into the 3's. They are certainly reducing the number of people that can afford a truck/suv. and I can not even define they

  6. #6
    My dad baught an Envoy XL when prices looked like the might start to go down, a week later $50 bucks wouldnt get him half full. Shit is fucked up. The government needs to do something, otherwise we're going to look like fuckin China soon. A bunch of assholes riding bikes in the middle of the highway.

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    I've been saying it for awhile now. When, NOT IF, Gas hits 3.50 a gallon, you will see some really screwed up shit happening.

    That is the critical mass price-point people, and when it hits, our economy,our social fabric,and structure will start to break down. The have-nots(The ones hanging on by a thread month to month) will have had enough, and will not be able to afford to go to work, or drive anywhere, or buy anything,

    The economy will crash within months. Gas continues, and climbs up to 4$ A Gallon, and anarchy will set it.

    It's exponential. 4$ gallon gas means 4$ milk, eggs, e.t.c...

    We are in a SERIOUS mode right now,and unless gas taxes are repealed, from both state, and federal governments, shit will hit thefan.

    Be prepared.

  8. #8
    This is what happens when you have an administration that believes the rapture is right around the corner.

  9. #9
    We bitch about the price of gas... but buy $3 cups of coffee and $2 bottles of water.

    We scream about an energy crisis... but then purchase Caddy Escalades to tote around one kid and full-size trucks to haul nothing.

    We holla about alternate sources of energy, but turn ou backs on them when we find them not to be as convenient as good ol' black gold.

    We are all to blame for this mess.

  10. #10
    The Healer Black Dynamite's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Having an awkward moment just to see how it feels.
    Quote Originally Posted by DennyMcLain
    We bitch about the price of gas... but buy $3 cups of coffee and $2 bottles of water..
    if you had to buy 15 cups of coffee you'd bitch then. WTF??!! 3 dollars dont get you anywhere.
    Stalked by a Mod who gives 1 percent credence.

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