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Thread: Car Trouble Help

  1. #1
    Terrible. Wilfredo Ledezma's Avatar
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    Car Trouble Help

    Ok, so I have a '03 Explorer Sport-Trac, 4x4 and yesterday evening, I drove through a flooded road (maybe a half foot of water?) and ever since, it's been making squeaky noises and what not...

    it drives fine, except it creaks when i make turns, and this morning the ABS sensor lit up on my dashboard...

    can driving through a large puddle of water hinder the breaks performance?

    the manual doesn't say much, and i'd rather not pay for a scan, so i'll throw it out there for you guys and see what i can get...

    and if it helps, i just changed the front break pads & routers on Friday (which happen to be the ones that seem to squeak on turns since drivng through the water)

  2. #2
    Is it only squeaking when you turn?

    If its squeaking in general after a brake change it might be unseated pads. You should be able to put the truck in reverse and get up a little speed and then hit the breaks which will get the pads to correct themselves if they are a bit out of their proper seating.

    If its creaking when you turn that might more likely be a tie rod end or ball joint issue. That shouldn't turn your ABS light on though as far as I know (though I'm no mechanic).
    Last edited by Fool; 09-15-2008 at 03:15 PM.

  3. #3
    Glenn's Avatar
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  4. #4
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
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    You don't have to pay for a scan. AutoZone will do it for free.

  5. #5
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Yeah, get in the zone.
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  6. #6
    Terrible. Wilfredo Ledezma's Avatar
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    Yeah it only squeaks when I turn, I think it may have to do with the pads being un-centered like you said...

    Ill take the tires off and take a look, and I'll try the Zone if the light stays on...

    I also got into an accident back in May and Collex had to re-allign the entire frame and they ended up using junkyard parts rather than buying new parts. So if the problem persists, I'll just take it back, it's warrantied I think....

    Thanks, the centering sounds right, I didn't exactly replace the pads on the flatest ground...

  7. #7
    i'd take the brake pads off altogether and drive around for a while. if it doesn't creak anymore, then there's your solution!

  8. #8
    do the whole reverse thing, that seemed to work for the cav. also, did you drive through clinton river by the cemetery? the jeep owned that water...

  9. #9
    Terrible. Wilfredo Ledezma's Avatar
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    It was Hayes Road between Utica & Clinton River...

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