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Thread: Let's draft Vince Young

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  1. #1

    Let's draft Vince Young

    Fuck all the concerns about his throwing motion. Fuck all the concerns about his pocket presence. Fuck all the concerns about his arm strength. Fuck all the concerns about Vince Young.

    I am all over the Vince Young bandwagon. He should be wearing a Lions uniform come next season.

  2. #2
    and how do we go about do this drafting of VY?

  3. #3
    theyre gonna have to trade a whole lot to get him now

  4. #4
    I doubt he would want to play WR.

  5. #5
    I think Young is a great college quarterback, but is a mediocre prospect. The only things on his side is athleticsm and a great body. He throws nothing but pitches, lobs, and floaters......which won't fly in the NFL.

    I think he'll be be the next Andre Ware, Rodney Peete, or Tony Banks if he comes out this year. If he comes out in 07(which he will) with improved mechanics then I think he'll be as good as McNair in the pros.

    But personally, I think Troy Smith is a better pro prospect. He looks so much like McNabb on the field, it's crazy.

  6. #6
    The only way we get Young now is trading up with NO because last night performance increased his value ten fold.

    I may even go as far to say Houston may be thinking twice about who they draft at 1. Last night against an above average college D that is no where as good as NFL d's Busk looked mediocre.

    According to a value chart that most GM reference the number 2 pick is worth 2600 points. So let's assume that is the position we need to get to grab VY. Our pick is worth 1350 points at 9, our second is worth 500 points so we would need to trade them an 07 first and get back a 06 3rd for a deal to happen.

    I think that is a steep price to pay for moving up 7 picks. Plus as stated in a previous thread it doesn't address the OL problem. To give up a second with our first this year could be the difference between drafting two starting OL players who help bring a foundation to the future of this team versus drafting a guy who may or may not be an NFL QB.

    In all honesty last night's Rose Bowl may have caused Leinart to fall from a top 3 pick to a guy who could go as soon as 4 or as late as 18. It is even conceivable he could fall out of the first round if Miami, Ari, KC or Dallas feel they have bigger needs.

    I am sure Leinart won't fall that much but last night changed a lot of opinions, and not just because USC lost and VY looked good.

    Hell I think CB's cousin looked more like an everydown NFL back than Bush. I don't get drafting a hybrid with a top 5 pick but that is just my opinion.

  7. #7
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    I've thought for quite some time that Houston would go for Young.

    He would sell a lot of tickets and PSLs down there.

    They would just need to find a taker for David Carr, who is probably too expensive to be a backup.
    Find a new slant.

  8. #8
    Young is definately in the top 3 now, ahead of DeBrickshaw. No way we trade up for him. We'd be better off using whatever we'd trade with our pick for an extra late first instead. Then we can get a defensive playmaker at #9 and an OT with that pick. If you watched the game close last night, Young barely had anyone touch him. He'll be running for his life every night if Texas takes him. It wouldn't be much different here. He's good enough to still make plays, but he won't be a great passer behind a patchwork line in Houston. The best thing for young would be NO. Still close to Texas, a team with a big OL, and Pro Bowl caliber WR and RB.
    Phil Wenneck: The man purse. You actually gonna wear that or are you just fuckin' with me?
    Alan Garner: It's where I keep all my things. Get a lot of compliments on this. Plus it's not a purse, it's called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one.

  9. #9
    If Vince Young was only 6'0, then you could criticize his throwing motion. But at 6'5, he can flick the ball like he does with his short release and easily throw every pass in the NFL.

  10. #10
    I don't get the big fuss over Young's throwig motion. The only thing I notice is the fact that he throws sideways. But it didn't hurt his accuracy considering he was #1 in passing efficiency in NCAA without an outstanding WR crop.

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