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Thread: How RR is using Denard Robinson

  1. #1
    Glenn's Avatar
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    How RR is using Denard Robinson

    I think most people are frustrated with how he has been used, but are they really upset with the "how" or with the results?

    Why do you think he isn't being used to return punts/kicks? Seems like getting him the ball in space could make him a great weapon. Could he get hurt doing it? Sure. But how big of a loss would it be if he got hurt based on what he's giving them right now?

    While he's listed as the #2 QB, if Taint actually had to miss some time, my guess is that Sheridan would move up to #1 anyways, so that's not really a concern to me.

    I'd like to see more creativity with getting Robinson the ball. Line him up as a wideout, run end arounds and fake end arounds, pass it laterally out to him and let him throw it or run it from the wings, etc.

    I think his talents are being wasted right now.
    Find a new slant.

  2. #2
    Remember when JLS put his freshman QB in on kick coverage(?) and he got hurt for the season(?). Maybe you put the guy in as a slot receiver a la Cordell Stewart or as a half back but you don't throw the guy out there to get murdered on special teams unless you've given up hope that he will play quarterback. Injuries would keep him from getting reps at QB in practice (I assume he's getting reps at QB in practice).

  3. #3
    Glenn's Avatar
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    I'm not as dialed in to this as a lot of others here, but I don't have much hope for him at QB, not with Forcier's development and remaining eligibility, and the stud they have coming in next year, too. I think the kid needs to be part of the action sooner rather than later or they risk the chance that he'll transfer, IMO.

    The Stanton analogy is barely worthy of comment. Sending Stanton out there as a gunner on the kickoff team is hardly comparable to putting the ball in a playmaker's hands (ala Tim Brown). Shame on you.
    Find a new slant.

  4. #4
    Yeah, sending the rookie qb to special teams because you think he's too talented to keep off the field isn't at all like sending the rooking qb to special teams because he's too talented to keep off the field.

    What was I thinking?

  5. #5
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Stanton wasn't on special teams because he was "just too talented to keep off the field". He was on special teams because JLS had given up on him and could spare him as a gunner.
    Find a new slant.

  6. #6

  7. #7
    I love this.

    Quote Originally Posted by WTFchris
    MoTown is right.

  8. #8
    JLS gave up on Stanton in his rookie year then started him every year after that?


  9. #9
    Glenn's Avatar
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    So he was removed from the QB rotation and used as a gunner on kick coverage because JLS saw him as the QB of the future?

    Find a new slant.

  10. #10
    You seriously are going to argue that JLS didn't think Stanton was his future QB when Stanton was the starter the rest of his college career and then was drafted into the NFL as a quarterback?

    You make these too easy. You are letting down Motown.

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