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Thread: Joe D's top 3 and worst 3 moves ever...

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  1. #1

    Joe D's top 3 and worst 3 moves ever...

    My top 3:
    1. Rasheed for Atkins + Corn Flakes
    2. Draft Okur (didn't pick Ben since he came to us by default, but certainly deserving); Okur is a solid C, which are pretty tough to get in the second round.
    3. Trading away Loy Vaught for Dana Barros. Vaught had an absolutely horrible albatross contract and Joe got an expiring for him. Cleared the slate for him to start making his free agent moves. While I would argue that he didn't really make any huge free agent signings, making a deal like that today would be impossible due to no one else being so fucking stupid with their money.

    My worst 3:
    1. Darko (easy)
    2. Billups trade
    3. Rodney White

    Your picks?

  2. #2
    Top 3:

    1- Sheed.

    2- Stackhouse for Hamilton.

    3- Hiring Larry Brown

    Worst 3:

    1- Letting Larry Brown get away

    2- Hiring Michael Curry

    3- Darko

  3. #3
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by geerussell
    Top 3:

    1- Sheed.

    2- Stackhouse for Hamilton.

    3- Hiring Larry Brown

    Worst 3:

    1- Letting Larry Brown get away

    2- Hiring Michael Curry

    3- Darko
    This is a pretty good list.

    As horrible as the Curry thing was, the team was going nowhere anyways, so big picture it wasn't that big of a mistake, IMO. He was a seat warmer. To me, the stuff that hurts more are the moves that WEREN'T made. There were a couple of trade deadlines that passed during our run where we just needed that one more piece to possibly put us over the top, and Joe stood pat. Those are some of the most meaningful mistakes to me.
    Find a new slant.

  4. #4
    Best moves?

    Getting Ben Wallace and Chucky Atkins in the Grant Hill sign and trade. Ben was the foundation the team was built on.

    Getting Chauncey with the MLE. His addition proved to be a masterstroke.

    Trading for Rip - I doubt many thought Rip would prove to be so good for such a long time.

    I don't classify the Sheed trade as one of his best moves because it was a win-win situation. Sheed was an expiring contract - it could have easily turned into an Iverson thing. It didn't - but I doubt Joe acquired Sheed thinking that he was gonna help us roll over the East for years and years.

    Bad moves?

    Drafting Darko over Bosh. I think this is the obvious one.

    Trading Chauncey

    Opting to save money? I don't know if Joe ever tried to convince ownership that we should pay the tax. I doubt anyone on here does. But I believe he had enough clout with the boss to get it done.

    Instead we made cost cutting trades that really put the strain on our starters, failed to draft and develop young players and eventually it all went to shit.

    It was a great run - very few GM's ever produce a run like Joe did. And while I enjoyed it and appreciated it I can't help but think we could have continued to dominate for many more years IF ownership was willing to pay the tax and if that one Draft pick was used better.

    I have no desire to change every single shitty pick Joe made. Just the Darko pick. Bosh would have replaced Ben when he went to Chi-Town and we'd have our stud big man to build around as Sheed, Tay, Rip and Chauncey went on their way.

    But whatever - what's done is done. Joe still has plenty of attractive pieces to deal and it's not like we'll have to endure years of being a Lottery team.
    Rise like Lions after slumber,
    In unvanquishable number -
    Shake your chains to earth like dew
    Which in sleep had fallen on you -
    Ye are many - they are few.

  5. #5
    I wouldn't put Sheed in the top 3. Dyess and Chauncey are the 2 best MLE signings in the history of the league. Ben was an amazing trade when he could have just let Grant walk and worked toward having space.

    The Sheed deal to me is a number of deals. Trading for Sura to get the expirings, getting the MIL pick, using Lindsey then getting him back. The actual trade itself was easy pickings.

    Darko darko and darko for worst.

  6. #6
    Glenn's Avatar
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    And here's Joe's Pistons front office career, if anyone has the time/interest.

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  7. #7
    Best Moves:

    The two handed Krispy Kreme original.

    The stomach reach-over for 3rd 2nds.

    Mini-fridge under the bed.

    Worst movers:

    Not working out Melo because it was Joe's birthday and he was busy collecting free deserts from his favorite restaurants (read: all restaurants).

    Skipping Mr.D's "The Future of Team Ownership" meeting to grab a pre-brunch extra large with triple cheese.

    Mini-fridge in the bathroom.

  8. #8
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    But I would have liked to have seen the "Diet Coke and Blackberry juggle" included in there.
    Find a new slant.

  9. #9
    Honorable mention for sure.

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