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Thread: And Now, A Message From Tom Daschle...

  1. #1

    And Now, A Message From Tom Daschle...

    Quote Originally Posted by Denny's email account
    Dear Denny,

    In 1993, my Democratic colleagues elected me Majority Leader of the United States Senate, starting in 1994. There was only one problem. By the time 1994 came, we weren't in the majority anymore.

    What went wrong? In hindsight, what started the GOP takeover were the two governors' races -- New Jersey and Virginia -- in 1993. Republicans won both those seats, and that gave them the momentum to take back Congress in the 1994 midterm elections.

    In just under 100 days, voters will once again go to the polls in New Jersey and Virginia. We can't let history repeat itself.

    The Democratic Governors Association is the only organization solely dedicated to electing and re-electing Democratic governors. They help plan the campaigns, hire staff, and get on the air to fight back against Republican attacks.

    But running a winning campaign is costly. With less than 100 days left, the DGA needs your help now more than ever to meet their fundraising goal of $75,000 by July 31. Our Democratic gubernatorial candidates are counting on the DGA for the critically needed funding that can pave the way to victory.

    Click here to contribute even as little as $5 or more. If you support the DGA today, a generous Democratic donor will give two dollars for each one you give, effectively tripling your donation and keeping momentum on our side.

    I was in the Senate for ten years after those disastrous 1994 elections -- we were in the majority for less than two of them. Unfortunately, instead of improving healthcare or investing in renewable energy, we often had to try to stop Republicans from undoing the progress we made in the past.

    And if we let the GOP seize our momentum now, our strong majorities could evaporate. That's because there are 37 governors' races in 2010, and governors control the congressional redistricting process.

    If the GOP wins governors' races, they believe they could gain 30 House seats, just by drawing new district lines. That's why they're going to spend millions of dollars of special-interest money in the days leading up to the Virginia and New Jersey elections.

    Stop the GOP plan to take over Congress. Click here to support the DGA today and your gift will be matched two to one, effectively tripling your contribution. Remember, even just $5 can go a long way!

    Today, President Obama and Congress have the majorities they need. They can play offense: fighting to reform healthcare, fighting to make the economy work for working families, and fighting to protect our planet and end our addiction to foreign oil.

    But while they're on offense, we need to defend the gains we've already made.

    That's why we need the DGA. And that's why the DGA needs you.

    Tom Daschle

    P.S. With less than 100 days left, there's never been a more important time to support the DGA. Every dollar you give today will be double-matched by a generous Democratic donor -- you can triple your impact!
    Quote Originally Posted by Denny's email response
    But if I give you that dollar, how will I buy my delicious Top Ramen dinner?

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Big Swami's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    look at this caca water, it's disgusting!
    Quote Originally Posted by The Short Version
    Vote Democrat governors to keep the GOP kooks from redrawing the congressional districts in your state.

  4. #4

  5. #5

    When my father, Tom Daschle, wrote to you a few days ago he was exactly right: we cannot allow history to repeat itself.

    The stark similarities between this year and the start of the Republican Revolution of 1994 are frightening, and we can't afford a repeat of that devastating story -- not when President Obama is depending on our Democratic governors to help create change and protect congressional redistricting.

    With less than 100 days until the November elections, the 2009 races are already in high gear. Both states are must-win races for Republicans, and the DGA is working around the clock to ensure Democratic victories both this and next November.

    But as my father said, successful campaigns take a lot of resources -- between airing ads, organizing field teams, even responding to Republican smear attacks -- and we absolutely MUST hit our budget goals every month from here on out if we expect to win. That means raising $26,756 in the next 14 hours.

    Click here to help the DGA meet its goal and fight back against Republican attacks. If you give right now, a generous donor will donate two dollars for every one of yours. That's triple the impact!

    Thank you for whatever help you can send now; your immediate support will give us the edge we need to fight off this Republican power grab. Please contribute today; there's never been a more important time to support the DGA.

    Thank you,
    OK thankx delete

  6. #6
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I'd be lying if I said it went in one ear before it went out the other.

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