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Thread: Anyone own the Pistons Motor City Memories DVDs?

  1. #1
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Anyone own the Pistons Motor City Memories DVDs?

    These consist of all the in-between segments Blaha and Eli did during 2008 to celebrate 50 years of Detroit Pistons. With all the changes, it feels like these were made "forever" ago. I checked out a copy from the library. I've been coordinating current Pistons losses to "happy segments" from the past, and vice versa.

    I had the 2000-2003 segment all queued up for the inevitable loss to Utah. But a funny thing happened. The audio cut out, right as Tay is talking about being a TMac stopper. At first I thought it might be my relatively-new PS3 which I now use as a DVD player, but it turns out that it happens playing it on my laptop as well.

    Is that just a problem with "my" DVD, or a more-general mastering defect?

  2. #2
    I had no idea those were released on DVD. They're not on Netflix, where I usually "acquire" my DVDs from. I did get the 1989 championship series from there.

  3. #3
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I found it in the library system.

    Odd... it's not obvious from the DVD silkscreening or the outside packaging where they come from. They credit the production crew, but it's not clear who mastered the thing. I see that it's not in the Locker Room, that the only online entity that has it charges huge bucks, so it's relatively rare.


    I'd almost think it was some kind of bootleg, but the DVD menus seem like they're better produced than that.

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