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Thread: RR and UM

  1. #1

    RR and UM

    From what I have read, RR talked more about the Big East and WVU than UM. Allegedly, the only player he mentioned from UM was the punter. I think RR isn`t having fun in Ann Arbor. I don`t think he understood what he was getting into.

    At WVU, he had no intense in-state rival. He was from WV. It was easy. Here, he has an MSU program that is on what looks like a sustained rise and a rabid fan-base that is irrational in their need to live vicariously through the team.

    If UM does not win 6 games this year, I would not be surprised if RR says "Fuck it." If UM goes 5-7 or less, RR is going to feel like he is in a pressure cooker in hell and no amount of Rita`s pole-dancing will help.

    The upshot will be that UM will buy the state of Louisiana to secure Les Miles. He will then clean up the huge mess RR made and UM will once again be a dominant program. However, it will no longer enjoy the in-state dominance it did prior to RR. UM will be competing with MSU on an even field. That is what RR will ultimately cost UM. Kind of like if Ed Martin had been the basketball coach.

  2. #2
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Still funny, but getting a bit predictable.

    Please freshen up your game a bit.

    Can you talk about luxury sedans or imported cigars or something?
    Find a new slant.

  3. #3
    The amount of jabs you took at U of M in that post while pretending to sound neutral was outstanding.

    Quote Originally Posted by WTFchris
    MoTown is right.

  4. #4
    When U of M buys Louisiana can we put the Saints in Detroit and sell the Lions?
    Phil Wenneck: The man purse. You actually gonna wear that or are you just fuckin' with me?
    Alan Garner: It's where I keep all my things. Get a lot of compliments on this. Plus it's not a purse, it's called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one.

  5. #5
    dead horse. beat.

    i watched his 10 min on the the btn. he was funny. he did a good job. he kept it short. he was asked about pryor and he said a few nice things but that he wanted to talk about his players.

    he gave about a 30 second speach and then opened it up to QA (which, from what i've read, most coaches did-- get to that in a second).

    so if your whole premise is he didnt talk about other UM players (he talked about qbs by the way, but anyway) he cant control the questions asked. one question was directly about mesko. so there you have it.

    the exception to most coaches not giving long winded drawn out speaches was the prophet dantonio, who not only wouldnt be stopped, but also took an opportunity to launch a few zingers at UM. real class act. its unbelievable to me how well he fits in at MSU. he is the emobodiment of the 'sparty' spirit.

  6. #6
    A Great Name Timone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bukdow
    From what I have read, RR talked more about the Big East and WVU than UM. Allegedly, the only player he mentioned from UM was the punter. I think RR isn`t having fun in Ann Arbor. I don`t think he understood what he was getting into.

    At WVU, he had no intense in-state rival. He was from WV. It was easy. Here, he has an MSU program that is on what looks like a sustained rise and a rabid fan-base that is irrational in their need to live vicariously through the team.

    If UM does not win 6 games this year, I would not be surprised if RR says "Fuck it." If UM goes 5-7 or less, RR is going to feel like he is in a pressure cooker in hell and no amount of Rita`s pole-dancing will help.

    The upshot will be that UM will buy the state of Louisiana to secure Les Miles. He will then clean up the huge mess RR made and UM will once again be a dominant program. However, it will no longer enjoy the in-state dominance it did prior to RR. UM will be competing with MSU on an even field. That is what RR will ultimately cost UM. Kind of like if Ed Martin had been the basketball coach.
    I know you can't wait.

  7. #7
    The Gay Blade Zip Goshboots's Avatar
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    dex and the WLA are my bitchez
    Funny, buk, but I don't see him saying "fuck you, osshole" UNLESS he does well and then leaves with Dantonio dick headed "I told you so" on his way oot the door.
    What's been funniest to me is all the raging over DickRod after 10 years of embarrassing mediocrity and losses under Lloyd Carr.
    Winning breeds confidence. Losing breeds reality.

  8. #8
    Super Cogent Jethro34's Avatar
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    So in your future world UM will be dominant, but dominance will put them on an even field with MSU?

    How is MSU going to become dominant?

    By the way, you may want to read the transcripts to realize that RR was, how do you say, answering questions. When people ask you about the Big East you talk about the Big East, unless you're a douche that doesn't answer questions and uses media day for your own agenda, like televised political debates.
    We had subs. It was crazy.

  9. #9
    "What's been funniest to me is all the raging over DickRod after 10 years of embarrassing mediocrity and losses under Lloyd Carr."


    This is too funny. First of all, you rage over DickRod as much as anyone. Secondly, Lloyd kept UM very competitive.

  10. #10
    The Gay Blade Zip Goshboots's Avatar
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    dex and the WLA are my bitchez
    Quote Originally Posted by bukdow
    "What's been funniest to me is all the raging over DickRod after 10 years of embarrassing mediocrity and losses under Lloyd Carr."


    This is too funny. First of all, you rage over DickRod as much as anyone. Secondly, Lloyd kept UM very competitive.

    You wouldn't know funny if it was a porn star that gave in to your stalking advances and let you fuck her just to finnaly pop your cherry and get rid of you.
    I RAGED about Lloyd Carr for years. Wrote letters, actively protested at games, lent my considerable weight to his final removal. Hell, I even went out and bought a wedge and maul and starting hacking shit up because I was so mad.
    And yeah, I rage at DickRod because you don't swagger in swinging your Big Johnson around and go 3-9 to trash 40 years worth of winning and then get a free pass from Zip Goshboots. And besides, I'm cranky and I LIKE it!
    Competitive? Well, now that the Sparties are all "Wow, was Lloyd GREAT!" After 13 years of "Wow! Is Lloyd an asshole who blows in the Big Games. But he sure can beat Minnesota!"

    And just to let you know, Joe Boisture, your uber recruit at QB for this class, just finished LAST at the Elite 11 camp just concluded. HAHAHAHLOLZ what a putz.
    Winning breeds confidence. Losing breeds reality.

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