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Thread: Message to Steve Moore: GO AWAY ALREADY

  1. #1

    Message to Steve Moore: GO AWAY ALREADY

    Ex-player Moore files another lawsuit against Bertuzzi
    March 7, 2006
    CBS SportsLine.com wire reports

    VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- Steve Moore filed court papers Tuesday against Todd Bertuzzi, alleging assault and battery and giving the former Avalanche player the option to bring another lawsuit against the Canucks forward.

    The writ of summons was filed in British Columbia Supreme Court the day before Moore's chance to sue Bertuzzi expired. The papers ask for general, special and punitive damages for Bertuzzi's hit on Moore during a game in Vancouver two years ago.

    Moore's attorney, Tim Danson, said the papers were filed in case there are snags with Moore's other attempts to sue Bertuzzi. Moore filed a lawsuit in an Ontario court last month. He also filed a suit in Colorado in 2004 but it was thrown out.

    "It's simply a precautionary step to check limitation periods," said Tim Danson, Moore's Toronto lawyer. "And we're confident there will be but one action and that will be in Ontario."

    Moore contends he sustained serious physical and psychological injuries and continues to suffer from the injuries. Moore's parents, Jack and Anna, also are named in the latest court papers. They were watching the game on TV in their home in Thornhill, Ontario, and are asking for damages for shock and distress. The Vancouver Canucks and parent company Orca Bay also were named defendants.

    Bertuzzi pleaded guilty to assaulting Moore in Vancouver on March 8, 2004, after knocking him to the ice with a roundhouse punch. Moore, then with the Colorado Avalanche, was left with three fractured neck vertebrae, a concussion and other injuries.

    Bertuzzi was reinstated to the NHL in August after being indefinitely suspended and missing 13 regular-season games and the Stanley Cup playoffs in 2004. He lost about $502,000 in salary and is to earn about $5.2 million this season.

    Bertuzzi faced up to 1½ years in prison after Vancouver authorities charged him with assault. He pleaded guilty and was then sentenced to probation and community service.

    After playing for Canada during the Turin Olympics, Bertuzzi is back playing for the Canucks. Moore hasn't played since the attack and was not re-signed by the Avalanche.

    His suit in Ontario last month is seeking $15 million in lost wages and damages from Bertuzzi and Orca Bay. The British Columbia suit does not include a monetary amount.

    The Associated Press News Service

    Copyright 2005-2006, The Associated Press, All Rights Reserved
    Kelly Youngblood: Don't take any shit from them Canucks. To them,
    you're just another wetback, crossing the border to play their game.
    Dean Youngblood: They'll never catch me!
    Kelly Youngblood: Oh, they'll catch you.

  2. #2
    Langlois Insider Vinny's Avatar
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    Dec 2005
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    I hated how Bertuzzi got railroaded over all this.

    Was the hit dirty? Yes, of course. But how many times do hits like that happen in the NHL every frigging year. 40? 50? It just happens that things fell the wrong way and Moore got hurt.

    Yeah, Bertuzzi showed poor judgement but people (ESPN) acted like he was the devil incarnate. Shit like that happens. It's a tough game. Most of the time those kind of hits would get a roughing minor and everyone moves on.

    I'm reppin' Jesus Christ and Conservative views....

    Quick piece by VINNY which was a logo style of his. VINNY also did two letter throw up's by the name of FI 2.


  3. #3
    Amen, overblown issue
    no worse than kovalev's flying elbow at darcy tucker on saturday night, but where is his pub and suspension

    moore is a leech.

    sorry for your bad luck and your health situation
    but go away you were nothing but a mediocre hockey player to begin with
    now your just a mediocre annoyance
    Kelly Youngblood: Don't take any shit from them Canucks. To them,
    you're just another wetback, crossing the border to play their game.
    Dean Youngblood: They'll never catch me!
    Kelly Youngblood: Oh, they'll catch you.

  4. #4
    Common or not, a 6'4", 245 pound man felt the need to sucker punch and then jump on the back of a 6'1", 200 pound player and drive his face into the ice. Todd Bertuzzi is the very definition of bitch-made, and I hope Steve Moore sucks him dry.

    Mediocre or not, he was in the NHL.

  5. #5

    Re: Message to Steve Moore: GO AWAY ALREADY

    Quote Originally Posted by Fraserburn
    Moore contends he sustained serious physical and psychological injuries and continues to suffer from the injuries. Moore's parents, Jack and Anna, also are named in the latest court papers. They were watching the game on TV in their home in Thornhill, Ontario, and are asking for damages for shock and distress. The Vancouver Canucks and parent company Orca Bay also were named defendants.
    I've never heard of such a thing. How can you sue for watching something distressing? I'm going to sue Al Quida for distressing me on 9/11.
    Phil Wenneck: The man purse. You actually gonna wear that or are you just fuckin' with me?
    Alan Garner: It's where I keep all my things. Get a lot of compliments on this. Plus it's not a purse, it's called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one.

  6. #6

    Re: Message to Steve Moore: GO AWAY ALREADY

    Quote Originally Posted by WTFchris
    Quote Originally Posted by Fraserburn
    Moore contends he sustained serious physical and psychological injuries and continues to suffer from the injuries. Moore's parents, Jack and Anna, also are named in the latest court papers. They were watching the game on TV in their home in Thornhill, Ontario, and are asking for damages for shock and distress. The Vancouver Canucks and parent company Orca Bay also were named defendants.
    I've never heard of such a thing. How can you sue for watching something distressing? I'm going to sue Al Quida for distressing me on 9/11.
    You could, but good luck getting any of them in court.

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