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Thread: Stack = Man (and suspended for Game 5)

  1. #1

    Stack = Man (and suspended for Game 5)

    A hard foul on Shaq!

    About time someone did that.

    Did you see Shaq try to punch the old guy he landed on?

    Mark Dantonio - MSU Head Coach


  2. #2

    MIAMI -- Dallas Mavericks forward Jerry Stackhouse was suspended Friday from Game 5 of the NBA Finals for his hard foul on Miami's Shaquille O'Neal in Game 4.

    At the time, Stackhouse was called for a flagrant foul. But after reviewing the play and discussing the details with both players, league vice president Stu Jackson opted to upgrade the punishment to a suspension.

    "The contact by Jerry Stackhouse was clearly excessive and warrants a suspension," Jackson said in a release.

    The series is tied 2-2, with the Heat having won the last two games. Game 5 is Sunday night in Miami.

    Stackhouse is Dallas' top reserve. He's averaging 13.8 points this postseason and 13.0 in the finals. He had 16 in Game 2, including 10 straight over the final 79 seconds of the first half that propelled the Mavericks to a victory.

    Earlier Friday, Dallas coach Avery Johnson said he didn't think such a penalty was warranted, noting that O'Neal wasn't penalized for hitting Stackhouse hard enough in Game 1 that he opened a gash that required three stitches to close.

    This marks the third time this postseason the Mavericks have had a player suspended.

    Jason Terry was lost for Game 6 of the second round against San Antonio for punching Spurs guard Michael Finley below the belt and center D.J. Mbenga just completed a five-game suspension for running into the stands to aid Johnson's wife during the conference finals. Mbenga is eligible to return for Game 5.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Proof positive the NBA is fixed.

  5. #5
    because it was bound to be asked:

  6. #6
    Awwwwwww poor fatso. Bitch tits not only gets away with elbowing people in the face harder than that on a nighty basis but most of the time ends up going to the line over it. I call shenanigans!

  7. #7
    I'm done. Fuck this. Booo fucking whooooooooo. The man weighs 400lbs, i'm sure he wasnt affected too much.

    Stackhouse was playing basketball, Stern is watching out for his pocket book.

  8. #8
    That's my boy - smash that fat fuck.

    I only wish Stack hit him harder.

    And fuck the haters - I'd love it if Stack was back here.
    Rise like Lions after slumber,
    In unvanquishable number -
    Shake your chains to earth like dew
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    Ye are many - they are few.

  9. #9
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I'd sooner take Stack back than Grant Hill.

    I'm sure the NBA is better for him not playing. After all, we wouldn't want anyone to get aggressive with Shaq, because people pay good money to see Shaq use that off-arm.

  10. #10
    It's the Finals and a good hard foul = suspension?

    I wonder what the league would have done if Shaq hit Stackhouse like that. Maybe a $10,000 fine and that's it?

    What a fucking joke.

    Just watch Miami win G5 after Wade is resurrected at halftime by Pat Riley.

    Hey, it's bound to happen one day. He's come back from every other fucking injury known to man that eventually the media will have to go there.

    And Hell Yeah! Stackhouse > Hill.

    I think salary wise Evans + Davis = Stackhouse, but you know Dallas ain't doing that.
    Rise like Lions after slumber,
    In unvanquishable number -
    Shake your chains to earth like dew
    Which in sleep had fallen on you -
    Ye are many - they are few.

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