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Thread: The Official Fire Joe Dumars Thread

  1. #1

    The Official Fire Joe Dumars Thread

    Come on guys. You had to see it coming.

    Well, I had faith in Joe until he seemed to miss out on several draft day trades and then takes 3 f%$#ing guards while passing on some other good players that the team actually NEEDS!! What were you thinking Joe? You draft Darko and give him away cheap and then you give Delfino away for nothing and now this. Sorry Joe but I have just lost faith in you. Are you grooming yourself to take over Millens job at keeping a team down???

  2. #2
    I agree. I keep waiting for something to happen that makes it all make sense, but its just one shit move after another at the moment.

  3. #3
    I think he's earned at least 1 more season of hardcore sucking before this becomes a sensible consideration.

  4. #4
    we're kind of hamstrung. obviously, were on a strict budget.

    this is worsened because joe decided to build a team of balanced, good players. its a juggling act just to keep it together, let alone improve it.

    i wouldnt fire him based on tonights draft. im intrigued by stuckey. i didnt like aflalo, but we'll see. i could care less about #57.

    but i think joe has been sloppy since picking up dice. with such a tight budget, we sure have wasted alot of money. what was it, 10 mill on dale davis? 5 on mo evans? 2 years to flip murray? 5 to linsdey? 30 to nazr??? trading for arroyo?

    then there was the darko trade: can we call it a debacle yet?

    right now we're just wading our way back to the field. after we lost ben last year, i'd have blown up the team and rebuilt with a different mentality. get one or two superstars, that i know nomatter what i can keep, and then just fill in the holes. atleast i can manage my budget, keep my core, and atleast theoretically improve my team.

    what are we going to do to improve this team this summer? please. grant hill? even if he can stay healthy for a whole nother season again, dude is old now. hes not going to get us over the hump. and were not going to go pickup a big, MLE free agent.

    pretty much the best we can hope for is that our core isnt much worse than it was last year, and that our young guys really kick ass (wouldnt bet on it). so last year we won 53 and made it to the finals, this year we probably win 50 and make it to the conferance semi finals. this would be bearable if we played an exciting brand of basketball or atleast had likeable stars on our team. but thats a negative on both accounts.

    i'll probably tune in to check out a few games to see what this stuckey guy is like (never seen him). but i dont anticipate watching too many piston games.

    i only partially blame joe. i think wilson/davidson have just about as much blame in this as anyone.

    for the record, i wouldnt fire joe. not unless i knew who was coming in.

  5. #5
    I am so pissed I dont know where to start

  6. #6
    B-Diddy, I agree Joe isn't the only one to blame, the Old Man and his hand picked ass wiper are huge part of the problem. The wasting of money to avoid the luxary tax is beyond a sick ironic joke.

    Hell if Joe would have been able to get 3 million in cash from toilet paper roll that Mr. D uses to wipe his ass, we could have bought an extra first and drafted a player who we needed.

    The fact that this organization is so afraid of the luxury tax is a joke considering how much money Mr. D and his companies make per year. Like I said before, I get hating something if you tried it but the team won't even pay the luxary tax to win a championship, that is sick. Since the Big Nasty trade the cap and lux tax have been bigger issues than winning titles and that bothers me.

  7. #7
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
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    Apr 2006
    Anyone saying "Fire Joe Dumars" needs to identify someone else to take the spot. Does anyone think Hammond would do things much differently?

  8. #8
    I think it's dumb to compare Dumars to Millen because of Darko. Yea it didn't work out, but at least he made the pick because he was listening to his scouts, instead of letting a clueless owner make the pick. The only horrible move Dumars made was Nazr. It's idiotic to fire the GM of a team that goes to the conference finals 5 years in a row, especially when you can't replace him with a sure thing.

  9. #9
    I agree that the ownership is at fault as well, but I do NOT understand how Joe Dumars thinks this team can somehow pull it back together again. Grant Hill? Give me a break. Cheikh Samb isn't going to be the savior at center, nor is Stuckey going to score 20 a game. I just can't have faith in Amir Johnson, a late 2nd rounder, to become a star as well. It's possible, but I watched him play, and I still don't think his game is suited for the NBA at this point. He doesn't have great handles, so he won't be able to get past his man easily. He can only score around the paint consistently, and he's not strong enough to back down. OK Handles + Weak Strength = Minimal Paint opportunities.

    This team isn't magically going to fix itself, Joe. Now that you fucked up in the draft too (outside of Stuckey, we'll see about him), I am really losing faith fast. Sign and trade Chauncey. Trade Rip and Sheed in a combo for something. Now, after this draft and some things we missed out on, this team won't win again. We can blow it up without going over the uxury tax threshold -- why not do it?

    Maybe some people will think of us here as "chicken littles" because the Pistons still look good on paper. Well, guess what. We just don't have that team chemistry that we did in 2004, and that results from a bunch of guys coasting through all the games. Who's at fault for that? I have to point a finger at Flip Saunders. Ever since we hired him, this team has become a mess. Letting go of Larry Brown after he made it to game 7 in the Finals a year after winning the damn thing was pretty damn stupid. Now you may make the argument that Joe Dumars has gotten this team to the ECF 5 straight years, so you can't fire him either. But, I disagree. 4 of those years, this team has gotten worse and worse.

    I could go on and on. I will for only a bit. Rip Hamilton - sure, he can score almost 20 a game, but he can't take over down the stretch. At least it seems like he's trying most of the game. I wouldn't mind keeping him around, but we'd have to overhaul elsewhere. I think a package with Rip and Sheed would garner the most attention. On that note, Rasheed - so, he played decently in the playoffs. But, it seems that when it becomes late in the 4th, Rasheed will panic when he touches the ball and force up bad shots. Same with Chauncey, who actually used to be a good decision maker. Fuck it, I'm done... for now.

    It's time to make some moves, Joe. This team is going nowhere but down.

  10. #10
    I think "fire" Joe Dumars is a bit extreme, but it's true that the last good move Dumars made was drafting Maxiell.

    Since then, it's been bad move after bad move. think about it, the guy's reputation as a good GM is essentially because of 2001-2004. That was 3 years ago.

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