Interesting that Ford mentioned Thad Young, specifically.

Ford: How does that history play into your thought then with someone like a Thaddeus Young, the freshman (small forward from Georgia Tech) with super potential? Do you just say, well, he can't come in here and crack the rotation?

Dumars: The difference now is that my core guys are not at the beginning of their prime anymore. Back with Rodney and Darko, they were coming in when my core guys were getting ready to go on a six-year run. It's a different place now. So now it's easier to draft those higher-rated guys now.

Ford: So at this point, it's less about experience and more about who you have rated as the best player?

Dumars: Absolutely. Now that my core guys - a couple of them are hitting their 30's now - it's easier to draft those younger guys now, those guys like Amir Johnson, because you need that energy now.