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Thread: Trade idea: Det and Phx

  1. #1

    Trade idea: Det and Phx

    With the new possible rumor of Amare to Detroit, I thought of this.

    And it is going to take alot to get Amare.

    While Hamilton and Sheed for Amare is not going to work, Phoenix needed to add alot, to not break up anything BIG.



    Raja Bell
    james Jones
    Marcus Banks

    Well with Richard Hamilton coming into play, Bell really has no where to go. Although I read an article a while ago about Bell being just as important as Nash and Amare are, most gms would take rip and Barbosa over Bell. The suns would have to split minutes between Nash, Diaw, Barbosa, and rip at the guard spots.

    Oh boy do the Pistons get alot. Cuts would have to be made but this would be a great offseason so far. We get a back up point and someone to back up Tay. Although not the best, it comes easy, through one trade. James Jones is done after this season. while Bell and Banks have alot more years remaining. If Joe is not satisfied with what he gets throughout the draft, we still have the MLE

    Tay/James Jones/MLE?

    There are still lots of holes but this team would be pretty scary. Our inside D gets a little worse but we gain somuch on offense.


  2. #2
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Diaw doesn't get guard minutes anymore, does he?

    I'd try to work something with Sheed (maybe even straight up for Amare) and try to keep Rip out of this.

    I don't want anything to do with Marcus Banks and that contract, either (sorry Pharaoh).

    I like Raja Bell's smarts, toughness and defense, though.

    Phoenix has draft picks, too.
    Find a new slant.

  3. #3
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Also, keep in mind that PHX needs to save money now, so while replacing Amare with Sheed helps them in a couple of years, it doesn't lessen their tax burden quite as much as they might want (about $1m, which is $2m with the "doubling effect").

    I think any trade with PHX will have them saving the most amount of $ coming back as possible.
    Last edited by Glenn; 06-08-2007 at 02:11 PM.
    Find a new slant.

  4. #4
    I would imagine Diaw gets minutes at every position...

    I like how Bell can easily be our best 3 point shooterbut that may change as he won't get as many open looks.

    It'd be interesting to see what Kerr does

  5. #5
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Just FYI, PHX has almost $20m more on the books for 2007-08 than the Pistons do.

    Pistons stand at $58.8m even if you include options on Dice, Murray, Dupree and Blalock. This number also assumes Billups non-opt out salary, since that's still on the books.

    PHX is at $77.1m and that only assumes Kurt Thomas' $8.1m option (which he would be stupid to not exercise).

    $77 million for only 10 players is just crazy!
    Find a new slant.

  6. #6
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
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    I really doubt they trade Raja Bell.

    For that matter, I really doubt that they'd trade Amare.

  7. #7
    If they really want to avoid the tax, they'll have to trade somebody. They are already at the tax level and two first round picks to add. They sure gave Diaw a lot of money (9 mil a season). I suspect they are looking at the following offseason when Marion becomes a FA. How can they resign him with Nash, Amare, Diaw, Barbosa, Banks and Bell taking up 51 mil in salaries? They probably realize that they can't keep both Amare and Marion. So they might as well trade one. My guess is they'd trade Marion, but then he's harder to trade as well (being a 16 mil SF). If you are a team looking at Marion, why not get Lewis for half the price?
    Phil Wenneck: The man purse. You actually gonna wear that or are you just fuckin' with me?
    Alan Garner: It's where I keep all my things. Get a lot of compliments on this. Plus it's not a purse, it's called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one.

  8. #8
    Not to pee in anyone's cereal here but as the voice of reason, remember that Amare did have a major knee injury at a young age and giving away half of the team to get him could be a major catastrophe if he were to get hurt again.

    That being said, i'd still like to see him in a Pistosn uniform but stay somewhat leary of exactly how much to give up to get him.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by micknugget
    Not to pee in anyone's cereal here but as the voice of reason, remember that Amare did have a major knee injury at a young age and giving away half of the team to get him could be a major catastrophe if he were to get hurt again.

    That being said, i'd still like to see him in a Pistosn uniform but stay somewhat leary of exactly how much to give up to get him.
    But that is also the only reason they would even dream of trading him.

    Mark Dantonio - MSU Head Coach


  10. #10
    I read an article a while ago on whehter the Suns should trade Marion or Amare. ARticle gave valid points for each. fuck i cant find it. sports illustrated btw.

    I'm sure that they trade one of them, most likely being Marion. The amare and Nash pick and roll is just way too deadly.

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