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Thread: rant

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  1. #1


    talk is that we are headed for $4 for a gallon of gas this summer. where im at in chicago, thats pretty much guaranteed. we're probably actually staring at closer to $5.... and i could honestly care less how much gas costs. i've gotten rid of my car and probably wont have another one until they all run on vegetable oil. but what does bother me is that gas prices go up, and that means all prices soon go up, and while everyone suffers, EXON and other oil companys are recording record profits. take a look at their balance sheets, its mind blowing.

    but my real problem is this: why not have a windfall tax? if these guys are doing 2x or 3x better than they were a few years ago, why not take an extra big bite out of their ass? who doesnt want this?

    i'll tell you who doesnt want it: exon. and what exon doesnt what, exon doesnt get. why? because the US congress and presidency is bought and paid for by big business. did you know that in 1960 there was less than 100 lobbyists in washington? fast forward 47 years and there are now 17,000 registered lobbyists in washington and likely just as many (if not more) unregistered lobbyists, all working for their own "special" (read help client/screw everyone else) interest.

    and now, lets face facts. why are lobbyists successful? because our representatives rely on them for their own reelections (own benefit). why do they need them? $$$. why do they need $$$? because americans are stupid, and the key to winning every election is to define your opponent as an asshole rather than defining yourself. this is accomplished via 30 second commercials aired during american false god (american idol). which goes back to getting the bribes from exon.

    now, im as big a fan of democracy as the next guy, but something tells me the genius philosphers in 400 bc athens didnt contemplate the stupifying effects of network broadcasting when they were laying out the basis of what is modern day american democracy (yes unclemxy, i know we are technically a republic).

    i wont advocate the ending of our current system in favor of some sort of totalitarian regime,

    but i think its goddamn obvious we need all sorts of reform. a good start would be campaign reform. too bad john mccain hopped in bed with the bad guys on that one, huh? i'd like to see a legit 3rd party system take hold by ending gov benefits to the parties (my belief in a multi party system will probably be another rant). i'd also recommend you vote obama, who is probably the least receptive to lobbyists of all the likeliest contenders. and of course, i'd like to see a windfall tax placed on coorporations that make an innordinate proffit while squeezing the little guy.


    ps: my over/under on how expensive gas can get before society crumbles is $5.50 a gallon. i do accept alpaca wagers.
    Last edited by b-diddy; 05-09-2007 at 06:19 PM.


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