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Thread: Dog has bone cancer

  1. #1

    Dog has bone cancer

    Found out this morning that our family dog has bone cancer. The dog is a golden retriever and 12-13 years old, but it is still hard to take. Wierd how they become part of your family. My sister rushed the dog down to some vet in bloomfield for a second opinion and that is where she is as I write this. I guess there is no point in being upset though because everyone and everything eventually dies. dammit

  2. #2
    Glenn's Avatar
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    That sucks Gus.
    Find a new slant.

  3. #3
    That's sad but 13 years is a good run. Sorry bout that bad news gus

  4. #4
    especially for a big dog. I worry about my Lab because he's 2.5 and sometimes his hips pop when he gets up. They are known for bad hips. They do become a huge part of your family. No matter how shitty a day I have, he's always happy to see me.
    Phil Wenneck: The man purse. You actually gonna wear that or are you just fuckin' with me?
    Alan Garner: It's where I keep all my things. Get a lot of compliments on this. Plus it's not a purse, it's called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one.

  5. #5
    Glenn's Avatar
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    We've got three boston terriers (one is 7, the other two are 5) that we might have to get rid of because my son might have a dog allergy.

    Makes me sick to even think about it.
    Find a new slant.

  6. #6
    The Gay Blade Zip Goshboots's Avatar
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    dex and the WLA are my bitchez
    I know what you guys mean.
    A couple years ago, I let my daughters talk me into cats. You know, THEY'LL clean up after 'em and feed 'em.
    Yeah, right. I think they've cleaned out the litter box three times.
    But I can't get rid of them fuckers, cuz now I LOVE 'EM!
    Winning breeds confidence. Losing breeds reality.

  7. #7
    Gusman - My dog died of cancer two years ago. It was the first pet I ever had. I cried my eyes out when he was gone, and it took a while to get over it. My only advice is to enjoy every bit of the time you have left. Also, don't worry about deciding when will be the right time to let him go. You'll know.

  8. #8
    The Gay Blade Zip Goshboots's Avatar
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    dex and the WLA are my bitchez
    Damn dogs. They're the only ones who are happy when we come home. They like beer. They'll eat the shit your wife cooks that you don't want (fucking Emeril), when your wife's sister visits, and brings her asshole husband (the braggart, the one who is fucking perfect), the dog will sniff his balls in front of everyone and embarrass the hell out of him.
    They can hold their shit and piss for 12 hours while you're at work (come to think of it, mayne THAT'S why they're happy to see you). They can lick their own balls. They get to see all the chicks naked (oh, they PRETEND they don't care, but then again, they go lick their balls afterward).
    They chase the fucking cats back into the basement, back behind the furnace where they belong. They sleep 18 hours a day. They can chase their tail for two hours and be thrilled (while WE chase tail all our lives and end up croaking from a heart attack at 52).
    Did I mention that they lick their own balls?
    Winning breeds confidence. Losing breeds reality.

  9. #9
    A person who tells lies. Tahoe's Avatar
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    Just fibbing, you guys!
    I put my Sadie down last summer and it was very very hard. My wife and I did it on a friday and it took forever to get over. It still sucks not having Sadie around. Its like you said, they become a part of the family. She was almost 15.

    Right now, I want another dog but don't want to have to go through that again.

    Good luck

  10. #10
    UxKa's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear that. Spend some time with her when you can. My parents have a 15-yr old Cocker that has been having some issues so I feel for ya.

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