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Thread: Weight Control

  1. #1

    Weight Control

    Does anyone else here ever get our of control with eating. I swear to GOD everyday I tell myself tomorrow I will start my diet and the next day I never do. Whats even more funny is that when I say I am going to start my diet the next day I eat more because I feel like I need to savor my last bites of great food. Man I wish we could eat whatever we want and not gain weight. I just would like to know anyones eating strategies as far as how they watch what they eat.

  2. #2
    I got the same problem as you

    Im a lazy motherfucker and would like to get in shape. Im not necessarily overweight but not skinny

  3. #3
    I liked how you defined our problem. There should be some sort of word to describe our condition followed with your definition.


    Flazy- In a state of being a lazy motherfucker who would like to get in shape. Not necessarily overweight but not skinny just flazy.

  4. #4
    Quit telling yourself that you'll start tomorrow. Start today.

    Instead of going hungry, eat more often, but smaller meals. Eat breakfast, lunch, a snack, a small healthy dinner, and a small snack before bed, no more than 5-600 calories per meal.

  5. #5
    A person who tells lies. Tahoe's Avatar
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    Just fibbing, you guys!
    Getting everything started is the hard part. But when you do it does get easier.

    For me, I refuse to miss my workouts. Once you get started you just get into them, they're a part of your day and it feels good to work out and diet.

  6. #6
    Work out with a friend. Join a gym if you have to, and make some buddies. Starting out is so much easier if you have somebody else to do it with. After a while, and once you start to see some results, it will be no problem to stick with.

    Also, check around the area for stuff to do. Take a martial arts class, join a basketball league etc. Organized athletics are an excellent way to keep in shape and on schedule.
    Last edited by Comrade; 01-15-2007 at 12:33 PM.

  7. #7
    The funny thing about working out is how addictive it gets. It sucks starting out - but once you get in a routine and actually see results, you're hooked - guaranteed. It's actually harder to stop once you're hooked than it is to start. And the nice thing about getting in a tough routine and devoting an hour or two each day to working out is that you can eat whatever the hell you want.

    In high school I would work out for basketball and baseball but not really all that intensely. When I got to college, the coaches put me on a much more difficult training routine, and although it sucked at first, after a month or so you feel weak if you don't work out. 5 years later, I'm still hooked.

    Going in the morning is the best thing to do also - you will feel better for the whole day.

    Quote Originally Posted by WTFchris
    MoTown is right.

  8. #8
    The Gay Blade Zip Goshboots's Avatar
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    Find a hot chick that you like to hump constantly. Those extra calories you burn by screwing three or four times a day add up, and you will also be inspired to get in better shape to fend off all the tools that try to talk to her.
    Either you want to get in shape to kick their asses, or you want to get in shape so that when you take your clothes off she doesn't barf.
    Incidentally, while humping the hot chick, don't let her get on top; that means SHE'S working, and you're not burning the calories. Nope, you do the humping.
    Doggie style is best, because you really work your legs. Add your arms in by spanking her. This can help eliminate flab on your triceps.
    As for eating, change from drooping chocolate syrup all over her to strawberries, blueberries, and raisins. Less calories, and those things contain more anti oxidants. So, not only are you eating, but you are eating healthy.
    A girlfriend on the side helps, because you'll be able to hump someone while your hot chick is on her "time of the month", plus all the extra things, like worrying about getting caught, and trying to balance TWO psychotic bitches will stress you out, making you eat less overall.
    If you need anymore advice, just let me know.
    Winning breeds confidence. Losing breeds reality.

  9. #9
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
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    I'm weird (but you probably already knew that).

    At one point long ago, the girl I thought I was gonna marry dumped me, my metabolism slowed, and I promptly went from skinny to overweight. I lived two blocks walking distance from a gym that many hot women went to. I worked out an hour a day, 5-6 days/week or so, for over a year. I never got an endorphin rush or exercise high (though I did get a date). I never felt anything other than typical feelings of relief when I stopped exercising. And I never lost much weight beyond just water weight. The only thing that caused me to lose some weight was contracting mono, (no) thanks to another ex-gf.

    I think I inherited my weirdness. My dad has my build and my issues, and he's said that exercise has never done squat for him as an adult. His weight gain came as he was working construction where he would've expected anything -but-. The only thing that caused him to lose a lot of weight just recently was a long illness (he's fine now).

    I actually eat mostly-healthy foods -- not too terribly much junk food, and the closest thing I have to a sweet tooth is a weakness for Mountain Dew. I walk a couple miles a day 5-6 days/week. I need to lose some weight, but I have a job that fucks my time something fierce. I rarely have 20 minutes to get a standing heart rate up, and it's way way way too easy for me to sit at a tube and work 12+ hours straight.


  10. #10
    UxKa's Avatar
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    I have the opposite problem, cant gain weight. Like at one point a few years ago I was 120 pounds even though I ate healthy, and Im a tad under 6 feet tall. Instead of low calories, I eat about 5,000 a day just to hold weight which is about 150 now but I havent been working out. But either way, the advice people have given you is correct. I have to do the same thing to keep my weight up, which is develop a workout routine and stick to it. luniz is right too about eating more frequent smaller meals. 5 meals a day is good, and muching on stuff throughout the day is alright if its healthy stuff. Maybe there are some fruits or veggies you like a lot for daytime snacking. I just saw something on TV that made an interesting point, people who eat the same breakfast every day keep weight off easier. So for some reason its bad to get your metabolism started with different food every day. My roommate lost 100 lbs by eating just bacon and pepperoni pizza for a year, I wouldnt recommend it but thats his diet when he wants to lose weight and he swears by it.

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