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Thread: RIP WXYT as it was ?

  1. #1

    RIP WXYT as it was ?

    I didn't know where to put this thread. I am not surprised but I can't believe that they did things in such as ruthless manner. Not noted in this quote is 1270 also let go two top producers in the last month, and put everybody on notice.

    From Gregghenson.com...

    I talked to Art Regner last night and while he was surprised that he wasn't renewed by WXYT, he was doing OK. It is always hard to lose a job, especially when you deserved a contract extension, but I all think we know what to got into with this business and you take it in stride. There are a couple of odd situations here, why did Rob Parker report Art's termination before even Art knew and why did the show with the highest ratings in WXYT's history get split up and dumped. Additionally, why didn't Art and Doug ever meet the new General Manager before he was fired? The whole thing stinks and it sounds like there was a ton of politicking going on behind the scenes. Sad, the most talented are cut loose in favor of the loudest. Either way Art will be fine, he's a talented entertainer.

    WXYT are not getting the Red Wings and two, they are cutting salary fast under the new General Manager. Salary cuts are a fact of life in radio, especially in Detroit at the moment. Art and Doug are the only credible broadcasters On-Air at WXYT, unfortunately they are also both making $100 plus. Foster is credible but as a journalist. Valenti is too new to the market to have any identity, plus he isn't from Detroit which is a handicap. Cutting them means the station is attempting to save money because it can't sell the station in it's current form. With Homberg out, there is nobody there to defend the sports format and the cuts will only get worse as the new GM guts the station to make it profitable.

    You can talk about the 12+ ratings all you want, the Big Show was the only show getting any numbers in the key male 25-54 demographic, this is a cost cutting move if it is true. WDFN while trailing in the 12+ demo is killing WXYT in the key sales demos.

    Update: Reliable sources tell me this is true and that the new lineup will be Karsh and Scott Anderson in Midday and The Sports Inferno in Afternoon. I am quite sure Stoney and Wojo aren't worried about WXYT's latest attempt to knock them off their perch.

    I think this may also be happening because the new General Manager isn't an "AM radio" guy who believes he can run a syndictaed station and make money in Detroit like they do with music on the FM. The new GM also doesn't have Homberg's tolerance to lose money as he didn't build this folly, Homberg did. The new PD also isn't from Detroit and likely doesn't have any feel for local guys like Regner and Karsch.

  2. #2
    WXYT layoffs!

    The 2 employees let go last week at WXYT are Sports Inferno Producer Tom Mazaway and Production Guru Son Swindell. Both of these guys were well paid guys who WXYT just couldn't support any longer with the dismal sales number at the radio station.

    The gloom is all over the place at WXYT as one employee told me "everybody here is on a 90 day deal, we can be gone at any moment, we are just waiting for the other shoe to drop." Another employee claims "we know that the Tigers and red Wings aren't coming back and it could mean we are finished as a sports stations."

    WXYT has long suffered programming and sales leadership, the only hope is that the Illitch teams remain and the new General Manager can right the ship and save Homberg's folly.

  3. #3
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Unless he's got a non-compete clause as part of his termination (prolly not) I wouldn't be surprised to see WDFN re-hire Regner, if nothing else to take a good jab at WXYT.

    Where's Muhme with more details? Hopefully he didn't lose his gig too.
    Find a new slant.

  4. #4
    Wow... I actually like the Big Show. I would always turn to them when Stoney and Wojo were going on non-sensical rants that had nothing to do with sports. And during "What's Your Beef"... that got old fast.

    Quote Originally Posted by WTFchris
    MoTown is right.

  5. #5
    SpartyNick's Avatar
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    Henson's info of Art being let go, him making a 100 K, salary cuts, etc. is accurate I'm sure, but his accusations of politicking behind the scenes is fraudulent IMO.

    Henson has an axe to grind w/ a few folks still in the Detroit market and he takes full advantage of opportunities such as this one.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn
    Where's Muhme with more details? Hopefully he didn't lose his gig too.
    Hopefully not. He's not my favorite poster and I think his "I'm in the lockerroom, you don't know" theories are pretty bullshit, but its never cool losing a job especially one you enjoy as much as he clearly enjoys that one.

  7. #7

    From reading this article, it seems like the future of 1270 may rest on the decision of the Tigers. I mean if they lose the Tigers they will likely lose what little of advertising leverage they have left. I think the Tigers want 760 because it is cost efficent and has a massive signal but right now the price is too high for WJR, but the Tigers our counting on 1270 to up the stakes, but not to win the bidding.
    Last edited by JS; 12-21-2006 at 02:16 PM.

  8. #8
    The Gay Blade Zip Goshboots's Avatar
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    You mean the Tigers aren't going to follow the lead of Michigan State and PAY THE RADIO STATION to broadcast their games?
    Man, I thought that would be the wave of the future!
    Winning breeds confidence. Losing breeds reality.

  9. #9
    We got a new GM. He wanted to make cuts and change stuff up. Homberg is no longer running our station. That is why the cuts were made. The Inferno IS the strongest show on the station and nobody can deny that. Henson has big beef with everyone because he isnt here (in Detroit.) You cannot listen to a word that guy says honestly. Gregg is a bitter old man that wants to be here in Detroit and he is pissed he isnt.

  10. #10
    Sorry MUHME but Henson's a sports talk radio vet who's run stations and had them performing well. I'm listening to him before the dude who pops wood everytime he's allowed in team locker room.

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