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Thread: What's wrong with driving naked? (updated)

  1. #1

    What's wrong with driving naked? (updated)

    the freep is reporting that lion's defensive line coach joe (?) cullen has been arrested twice in the past few weeks, once for driving naked...andaslodrunkdriving

    good to know. guess i have to quit one of my favorite hobbies, though.

  2. #2
    nothing is wrong with driving naked...if you are a hot chick that is.
    Phil Wenneck: The man purse. You actually gonna wear that or are you just fuckin' with me?
    Alan Garner: It's where I keep all my things. Get a lot of compliments on this. Plus it's not a purse, it's called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one.

  3. #3
    Glenn's Avatar
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    I hope he at least put a towel down on the seat, eww.

    Maybe he just watched Old School?

  4. #4
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
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    He lost a bet on whether or not the Lions could suck worse than they have been.

  5. #5
    Glenn's Avatar
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    A week away from the team? He's the luckiest guy around.


    NFL suspends Cullen one game, fines him $20K

    By Len Pasquarelli

    Detroit Lions defensive line coach Joe Cullen, arrested twice in the preseason, has been suspended for Sunday's game against the Chicago Bears and also fined $20,000 for what commissioner Roger Goodell termed "conduct detrimental to the league."

    The rare sanctions against a coach are the result of an arrest for nude driving on Aug. 24 and for drunken driving on Sept. 1, both misdemeanor charges. Lions coach Rod Marinelli suspended Cullen for the regular season opener but, after meeting with the first-year assistant on Dec. 1, Goodell decided that further action was required.

    The suspension took effect on Monday and Cullen cannot work at all with the Lions this week and cannot attend the game against the Bears.

    When Cullen was suspended by the team, in September, he was permitted to work with the defensive line as the club prepared for the season opener. It is not known who will assume his duties this week. Marinelli was a longtime defensive line coach in the league before landing the Detroit head coach job, so he may take on the responsibilities.

    "The league had previously informed us of this possibility, so this was not unexpected," Marinelli said in a statement. "I do want to say that I am really proud of how Joe has responded to his mistake. He has been getting treatment and has done a commendable job in dealing with his problem. He has definitely learned from his mistake and has moved forward in a very positive manner."

    Cullen, 39, was ticketed and cited in August, during training camp when he allegedly went through the drive-in window at a fast-food restaurant late at night and the server noticed he was naked. A week later, he was stopped for erratic driving and registered a blood alcohol content of .12 on a breathalyzer test. The legal limit in Michigan in .08.

    The two cases have been continued until Jan. 11, so that Cullen could undergo counseling.
    Find a new slant.

  6. #6
    NO!!! The Lions defensive line depends on him!!! What are they going to do without Cullen's leadership?

    (maybe put pressure on Romo?)

    Quote Originally Posted by WTFchris
    MoTown is right.

  7. #7
    a d-line coach can afford a 20 k fine?? holy moly. i would have guessed they were making less than 6 figures. what do these guys make?

  8. #8
    UxKa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoTown
    (maybe put pressure on Romo?)

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