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Thread: Detroit Bad Boys Video

  1. #1

    Detroit Bad Boys Video

    Made this a while back. Hopefully it'll help other Detroiters come check out the site.
    I took a old compilation, changed the music and then matched it up to the beat.
    Hope you all enjoy. Also, the music is the anthem to our forum where we fight.

  2. #2

    i love this video!!!

    best part: when Rodman flips over Bird and then Laimbeer comes in for the take down (about 45 seconds in). that's straight up bad boys....

  3. #3
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Dec 2005
    The Buxtons are not thieves.
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    Very nice.
    Find a new slant.

  4. #4
    Ah the good ol days. And to think, when I watch ESPN classic and they show these fights and hits and they say so and so was fined 2 grand and no games, I want to cry. They suspended Stack for that "hard" foul on Snaq. Fuck the NBA. I'm almost done with it. Pussifing the league one suspension at a time.

  5. #5
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
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    Apr 2006
    That bump by Mahorn toward the end was just wicked!

  6. #6
    Glenn's Avatar
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    The Buxtons are not thieves.
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    I enjoyed the Chuck Nevitt sighting at the beginning. @%$#!
    Find a new slant.

  7. #7
    I want to get a bunch of clips from the '80's and early '90's, the peak time for the NBA, show the shit that happened, and have one of those online petition things to send to Stern.

    Just give a big fuck you, we want to watch basketball, not a fixed free throw shooting contest, where you get suspended for looking like you wanted to actually have contact.

    Also, I wish some writer got the balls to say all this in some paper.

    Another thing that I think would be great, is if you had a broadcast of just good basketball fans commentating, saying what was bull, and what was good, rather than Hubie 'the Verbal Blowjob' Brown.

    Damn this shit frustrates me.

    Mark Dantonio - MSU Head Coach


  8. #8
    Nice sig

    And i'm with you 100% of the way.
    I wish to I knew how to get into contact with Mr. Stern, or someone in the NBA. Those are some sexy clips, man. Very nice. Thats what basketball is. You go out to any park, you dont see guys calling fouls and bitching and crying. You see 3 or 4 or 5 guy teams just beat on eachother for an hour, hour 1/2. Thats basketball. Fuck the new NBA.

  9. #9
    This is gonna get a sticky too.

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