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Thread: Cedar Point

  1. #1
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Dec 2005
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    Cedar Point

    Used to go every year, but I'm going this weekend for the first time in about 8 years or so.

    I've sort of lost touch with the latest rides, the new one the last time I went was The Magnum.

    That drag racing one just looks downright nasty (see the pic in the random pic thread that just got posted).

    I remember not being fond of being there on the weekend because the lines were so long, I also heard that they discontinued the "express lane" thing that that they used to have.

    What are the newest developments at the park? Has anyone else been there recently?

    I always look forward to a cold beer at the Red Garter Saloon, hopefully that is still there.
    Find a new slant.

  2. #2
    Make sure to ride both the Dragster and Milennium Force, both are fucking great. I was there earlier this year, and if it weren't for the storms, the day would've been damn skippy. Less than 1 hour wait for Dragster, about 25 minutes for the Force. Was fun. You won't have near the luck, however, since you're going on the weekend.

  3. #3
    Definatly go on those two rides, even if you have a 3 hour wait. They are both worth it. Tried the Skyhawk (went a few weeks ago) that was pretty awesome. But the Millenium Force is definatly my favorite. Except it was down for a couple hours as I was about 20 feet from getting on the second time.

  4. #4
    yeah, the force is the shit. Totally different than any other, more like skydiving than a coaster.

  5. #5
    I've never been to Cedar Point in my life. Hopefully that'll change this Summer.

  6. #6
    8 years ago, then you've probably never ridden the Raptor. It's not "new" anymore but its one of the best rides there.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn
    Used to go every year, but I'm going this weekend for the first time in about 8 years or so.

    I've sort of lost touch with the latest rides, the new one the last time I went was The Magnum.

    That drag racing one just looks downright nasty (see the pic in the random pic thread that just got posted).

    I remember not being fond of being there on the weekend because the lines were so long, I also heard that they discontinued the "express lane" thing that that they used to have.

    What are the newest developments at the park? Has anyone else been there recently?

    I always look forward to a cold beer at the Red Garter Saloon, hopefully that is still there.

    I'm pretty sure I'm in the same boat as you. The last time I went was about 8 years ago, after going every single year.

    The latest ride I remember is the power tower.

  8. #8
    The last time I went to Cedar Point, the gemini was new. I guess I'm about due for another visit.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by geerussell
    The last time I went to Cedar Point, the gemini was new. I guess I'm about due for another visit.
    Hell yes, man. The new rides kick some serious ass.

  10. #10
    the rides are great, no question but last time I was there we had to wait twenty minutes for a pretzel. You couldn't move the place was so crowded and we got on about 3 rides.

    No crowd- best place on earth
    crowd- hell

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