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Thread: The Gitmo System

  1. #11
    Syndicate Emeritus, Site Co-Founder Taymelo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by theMUHMEshow
    If these guys are terrorists they are going to be treated like shit.... What are we supposed to do though? Treat these guys like they got caught robbing an airhead from Farmer Jack? You are going to get treated like shit when OUR country comes in and seperates the good from the bad. If you dont like it then A) Make sure we dont come in. B) Make sure you are not associated with anything bad. C) Dont piss us off.

    Fact of the matter and this goes back through history. The weak die. Does it suck? YES. Is it fair? NO. Is life fair? No. We are there and doing what the hell we have to do.

    What was THAT?

    Anyway, I can't stay and talk, I'm going to go out with MUHME and microwave some kittens. Fuck it. If they can't outrun me, and don't know how to survive being microwaved, its their fucking problem.

    When I'm done, I'm going to join MUHME chasing down someone in a wheelchair, and cooking and eating him. This is AMERICA!!! The strong survive and the weak get pulled out of their wheelchairs and chopped up with onions and a nice chicken broth base.
    Last edited by Taymelo; 06-12-2006 at 09:35 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by WH Press Sec. Tony Snow
    The President is opposed to (actually testing embryos before simply throwing them out), because the president is opposed to murder.
    Quote Originally Posted by Taymelo
    Wait. Throwing them out is not murder, but testing them before throwing them out is murder? WTF, George?

  2. #12
    Well historically that is what happens. Just pointing out the obvious.

  3. #13
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muhme
    Fact of the matter and this goes back through history. The weak die. Does it suck? YES. Is it fair? NO. Is life fair? No.
    I'm sure the terrorists that killed 3,000 Americans on 9/11 felt that way too, does that make it right?
    Find a new slant.

  4. #14
    You are correct.

    I would think that when I put something in "text" that says "Is it fair? NO." that you would get the point that I do not think it is right...

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by theMUHMEshow
    You are correct.

    I would think that when I put something in "text" that says "Is it fair? NO." that you would get the point that I do not think it is right...
    So if it isn't right, you suggest we should seek to change it?

  6. #16
    How are we going to change it?

    It is not fair or right but I personally think that maybe a group will think twice about fucking with us again.

    When they see what we did to Iraq and what we are doing to their people along with what is happening then you should think twice before fucking with America.

    If what we were doing was so bad then the UN would take more action then what they are doing.

    What do you guys suggest we do? Do you want to treat these guys like your typical american criminal?

  7. #17
    Iraq didn't fuck with us, and the people who did continue to with the same intensity.

    I would suggest we treat those guys as war criminals and give them the rights due to POWs. If those rules worked for real conflicts, they'll work for this fake war.

  8. #18
    The fact of the matter is, the terrorists have awaken a sleeping giant. From the 1972 Munich games, to 9/11, the U.S. have conducted very few overt operations against terrorism (Gulf War 1 was about Kuwait, Libya was about them attacking first, then declaring war on us). Whatever your political skew, the simple fact is terrorists get away with what they get away with because there is little to lose, and everything to gain. They hold allegiance with no country, value life very little, and up until recently have been able to achieve great success with very little retaliation.

    Even if you are flatly against the War (Taymelo), you must agree that taking the fight into their backyard was the LAST thing the terrorists expected. Now, we're policing Afghanistan, a former terrorist playground, and own some control of Iraq, a country strategically placed at the heart of the problem. A fully functioning air base i Iraq would mean a quick-strike capability measured in minutes, not days! And with no Germany or Turkey to deal with, sorties can be carried out in relative secrecy, disallowing the punks the opportunity to play it up to al Jazeer.

    It's no wonder they're fighting us so hard in Iraq. This is their worst case scenario.

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Hermy
    Iraq didn't fuck with us, and the people who did continue to with the same intensity.

    I would suggest we treat those guys as war criminals and give them the rights due to POWs. If those rules worked for real conflicts, they'll work for this fake war.
    You're right but the Republicans have been wanting to go over there an whoop their ass for a while now. It is well documented...ask Dick Chaney.

    I agree with DENNY 110%

  10. #20
    ^except the physical war<<<<<<<<<the PR war which they're winning around the globe thanks to fuckups like Iraq. Its like killing the roaches you see while stuffing full sheetcakes in the walls for insulation then wondering why the fuckers just keep coming at you.

    EDIT-directed at DM's comment.

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