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Thread: Sundance Festival Acclaimed Documentary Starring Al Gore?

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Hermy
    I say Al could answer those questions in....um, 100 words. Very poorly done as I can answer most.
    Talk is cheap. You have no intention on answering anything per usual. Don't feel bad that you can't keep up intellectually. We all know our limitations.
    Last edited by Gecko; 05-26-2006 at 10:17 AM.

  2. #22
    Glenn's Avatar
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    There are some interesting points made there Geck, but even you will have to find this noteworthy/humorous.

    The source of your "Questions for Gore" column is "TCS Daily".

    I did a little digging around and found this page: http://www.tcsdaily.com/about.aspx

    Which included this disclosure:
    TCS is supported by a small group of sponsors: the American Beverage Association, ExxonMobil, Freddie Mac, General Motors Corporation, Gilead Sciences, McDonalds, Merck and PhRMA.
    TCS Daily does claim that their sponsors have no influence on their content, but how naive do you have to be to believe that?
    Find a new slant.

  3. #23
    Or I could be real sweet and just google something where someone has a lame response. we could go back and forth all day...oh the fun! And so intellectual.

    How about you read it and respond at an AP Biology level as to why his arguements are soft. Or why Gore presented his piece without including every nugget that wouldn't lead to his deductions and "had to have a computer generated polar bear".

    Lame as per your style geck. I've no use for enviromentalists or this stupid movie, but if you can't bring anything don't bring anything.

  4. #24
    bitch. Stole my "intellectual" take on an edit.

    How intellectual is google BTW. I mean on a scale of say "Carrot head humor" to Steven Hawking where would you put the ability to type say four words, right click, and paste on a sports themed message board? Can we teach this to Koko the gorilla?

  5. #25
    I actually came across the article that was linked in a Forbes article totally unrelated. I am not taking any sides in the global warming debate cause I feel both sides are full of shit.

    And yes Hermy, you are really really smart, both you and Al Gore. You have proven that to me time and time again. You're too funny. You hate my politics so where ever I post, there you are! Hermy, so jealous.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Gecko
    . You hate my politics so where ever I post, there you are!
    Only the dumb ones. I've commended you several times. Tune down the fox news, turn up the George will.

  7. #27
    The Healer Black Dynamite's Avatar
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    Having an awkward moment just to see how it feels.
    you posted what somerone else thought then said both sides are full of shit. As long as that first article is. the responses were kinda cheesy.
    he makes some request for Gore not to supposedly leave out truths as far as he sees it. but the nuclear energy only option theory was not the only option. this cheap shot also made me question his motive.
    5) When you recounted your 6-year-old son's tragic accident that nearly killed him, I thought that you were going to make the point that, if you had lived in a poor country like China or India, your son would have probably died.

    it was just a devils advocate put there to debate whatever partial hole he could find. i was hoping for something more even keel.
    Stalked by a Mod who gives 1 percent credence.

  8. #28
    My apologies to hermy for calling into question his intellect. What am I doing fighting in a Global warming thread anyways? I've got bigger battles with you socialites, err socialists. -jk

  9. #29
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
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    Seemingly-reasonable people can and do differ on the scope, cause(s), and other aspects of global warming. It's hard to measure and evaluate, and every answer leads to new more-challenging questions. No one's peeling the onion of the hows and whys of climate change, and it's simply a ridiculously complex beast to model. I'm glad it's something we look into, inasmuch as we should explore the environment and how our actions change the environment around us, and do we want those changes. There's only one world and we all have to live in it.

  10. #30
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Mxy
    There's only one world and we all have to live in it.
    I apologize in advance, I know that I'm getting carried away. I'm going through a little bit of a YouTube phase right now.

    Please join me in screaming the Bruce Springsteen part.

    Find a new slant.

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