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Thread: Emergency 911...Detroit style.

  1. #11
    OOOOOhhhhhh, Taymelo.


    So quick to judge.

    What I was saying is that both sides were suspect, here. Both sides had options.

    Why DIDN'T the boy run outside and scream for help?

    Why DID the 911 op think it was a prank?

    There's more to this story, but the liberal media nearly always shows the anti-system side... better ratings, pacifies their viewership.

    It's like when a child gets struck by a train when he's crossing tracks. What a horrible tragedy!

    No, it's not. You can see and hear a train coming, literally, a mile away. The boy had it coming for playing with death. And where's the parents to teach him right and wrong? Certainly, I've done some pretty stupid things in my childhood -- but I never DARED toy with a locomotive!

    As this story progresses, information will present itself. Those ops takes dozens of calls a day, maybe more. If they're so neglectful, then the evidence will present itself. If, on the other hand, the boy and his family have had a history with the 911 service in regards to fake phone calls, then the case is not nearly as "slam dunk" as you might think. Being a lawyer, you certainly should know that.

    Oh, by the way, I remember two whiteboys burning their mobile home down some time back while watching Bevis and Butthead play withe fire on the tube. A tragedy? Yes, until we found that the parents had gone out and left the kids alone at 11pm with an entire home to play with.

    Revealing info came to light, as will be the case here.

    I cannot believe a cartoonist is schooling an attorney about TRIAL LAW.

    What's this world coming to.

  2. #12
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    It's like when a child gets struck by a train when he's crossing tracks. What a horrible tragedy!

    No, it's not. You can see and hear a train coming, literally, a mile away. The boy had it coming for playing with death. And where's the parents to teach him right and wrong? Certainly, I've done some pretty stupid things in my childhood -- but I never DARED toy with a locomotive!
    As someone who grew up with train tracks literally in his backyard and a few hundred feet from a train stop, I never got hit by a train, but I sure can ignore train sounds with the best of them. And yes, it's fun to toy with a locomotive, if your idea of fun consists of putting loose change and such on the tracks and watching it get flattened from a safe distance. I always wondered how much damage a big ol' wad of silly putty would do, but I never went there.

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