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Thread: Today's Pistons v. '95-96 Bulls

  1. #1

    Today's Pistons v. '95-96 Bulls

    I know I busted on all the speculative talk in this forum in the past, but fuck it, let's figure out who would win between these two teams.

    In today's NBA, who do you think wins a 7 game series? I say Pistons, 4-3 (5-2 if given home court advantage).

    Starting lineups:

    Pistons starters:

    G – Billups
    G – Hamilton
    C – B. Wallace
    F – R. Wallace
    F – Prince


    G – Arroyo
    G - Hunter
    C/F – McDyess
    F – Evans
    F – Delfino

    Bulls starters:

    G – Harper
    G – Jordan
    C – Longley
    F – Pippen
    F – Rodman


    G – Kerr
    G - Randy Brown
    F – Kukoc
    C - Wennington

    Pistons offense, individual matchups:

    Billups v. Harper. Edge: Billups. Chauncey will be able to get his shot off often and penetrate with regularity, either taking the shot or kicking it out for the open three.

    Hamilton v. Rodman. Edge: Rodman. Worm was one of the game’s best defenders, and he had the wheels to keep up with Rip throughout the entire game. Rodman is the only guy the Bulls can realistically put on Rip, freeing Sheed to have his way with Pippen.

    B. Wallace v. Longely. Edge: Longely. This is not the matchup that will make/break the series, for sure. Big Ben’s quickness will be too much for Longely, but he wouldn’t be considered an offensive option.

    R. Wallace v. Pippen. Edge: Sheed. Although Pippen’s defensive game was great, there’s no way he could handle Sheed’s post game. Sheed also has the ability to step out and take the jumper. I think Sheed would give the Bulls fits the whole series.

    Prince v. Jordan. Edge: Prince, barely. This is today’s NBA, remember, so no hand-checking is allowed. I think Prince’s game can exploit Jordan’s D. I can see Prince running Jordan all over the court and losing him regularly. Jordan will definitely get the better of Prince at times, but overall I think Prince can score on Jordan.

    Bulls offense, individual matchups:

    Harper v. Billups. Edge: Billups. Since Harper is mainly a distributor of the ball in this offense, I don’t see Chauncey having too much of a problem keeping Harper in check.

    Jordan v. Prince. Edge: Jordan. MJ will get his, of course, but Prince will give him more problems than what he’s used to.

    Longely v. B. Wallace. Edge: B. Wallace. Big Ben owns Longely underneath.

    Pippen v. Hamilton. Edge: Pippen. Pippen’s length is too much for Rip to deal with. The Pistons will have to switch out Hamilton with Prince quite a few times, allowing Jordan to continue to have his way.

    Rodman v. R. Wallace. Edge: Sheed. Rodman had no offensive game to speak of, which works to the Pistons advantage. Sheed is free to roam the middle and help out up top.

    Bench: advantage: Pistons. Although the Bulls bench is formidable, it’s not as deep or diverse as the Piston’s bench.

    Just my thoughts. Discuss.

  2. #2
    I like your thought for this and I like your trust in the Pistons, but I just couldn't see the Pistons winning this series. We're talking about the 72 win Bulls here.

    I don't ever compare Kobe to Jordan, because that's just silly, but I will in this case. If Kobe can put up 39 on the Pistons, so could Jordan. However, Jordan's game was much more all-around than Kobe's is. He was a better defender, a much better leader, and a better floor general. He could put up that many points and get the other players in his offense involved much more. (Again, I'm sorry for bringing Kobe into the discussion)

    I think Ben would be much better than Longly, but I think you're underestimating how good Harper and Longly were in Phil's system. That team came together like nothing else.

    I don't think it would be a blowout by any means, but I think the Bulls would win the series 4-2.

    Quote Originally Posted by WTFchris
    MoTown is right.

  3. #3

    Rodman on Hamilton and Prince having the edge on Jordan on the offensive end. Classic.

  4. #4
    Why wouldn't the Bulls put Harper on Rip (letting Rip get his), Jordan on Billups (taking away Billup's size advantage and drive in general), Pippen on Tay (Tay = owned) and Rodman on Sheed?

    Thats how I'd match them up if I were Big Chief Triangle.

    [See Diddy understands.]

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by the wrath of diddy

    Rodman on Hamilton and Prince having the edge on Jordan on the offensive end. Classic.
    I was just putting something up there for discussion's sake, fucker!!@#

    In retrospect, Harper on Rip would make more sense.

    i still say 4-3 stones

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by MoTown
    I like your thought for this and I like your trust in the Pistons, but I just couldn't see the Pistons winning this series. We're talking about the 72 win Bulls here.

    I don't ever compare Kobe to Jordan, because that's just silly, but I will in this case. If Kobe can put up 39 on the Pistons, so could Jordan. However, Jordan's game was much more all-around than Kobe's is. He was a better defender, a much better leader, and a better floor general. He could put up that many points and get the other players in his offense involved much more. (Again, I'm sorry for bringing Kobe into the discussion)

    I think Ben would be much better than Longly, but I think you're underestimating how good Harper and Longly were in Phil's system. That team came together like nothing else.

    I don't think it would be a blowout by any means, but I think the Bulls would win the series 4-2.
    I think we wouldn't see the same dominant Bulls team that we did in '96. Greg Anthony made a good point last night - hand checking is no longer allowed in today's NBA, which forces defenders to more rely on athleticism and footwork, which gives the Pistons the edge.

    Thought it was interesting.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by the wrath of diddy

    Rodman on Hamilton and Prince having the edge on Jordan on the offensive end. Classic.
    I stopped reading after that too. Rodman was a PF. Pippen and MJ were considered pretty good defenders, so one of them (probably Pippen) would chase RIP for sure.

    I would love to see that series. Could you imagine Rodman and Sheed going at it? Longley is too slow to guard Sheed, so it would be those two battling in the post. I have a hard time believing they'd both last a game.
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  8. #8
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  9. #9

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    Only chance I think the Pistons would have is with Rodman on Rasheed, because he'd piss off Rasheed to no end and a pissed off Rasheed is a dominant Rasheed.
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  10. #10

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