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Thread: Cow's new friends

  1. #1

  2. #2
    just us boys, huh?


  3. #3
    Wow, I actually read that.

    I am speechless.

  4. #4
    The Healer Black Dynamite's Avatar
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    Having an awkward moment just to see how it feels.
    Quote Originally Posted by TK
    just us boys, huh?

    ummmmm good luck.
    Stalked by a Mod who gives 1 percent credence.

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Alright, someone's going to have to copy and paste this, since that site MAY be blocked at my work.

    not that i tried to open it

  7. #7
    He has like 4 posts trying to "come out of the closet"

    Sorry if there is already a thread for this type of question.

    Thanks in advance.


    Thank you.


    Wow, you guys are great. I've really no one to talk to right now. Here's my dilema-

    I've known (suspected) I was gay since I can remember. When the guys got ahold of porn in elementary school I was much more interested in looking at the buff guys than the girls they were supposedly showcasing. I was a little scared, and knew not to say anything, but I was pretty sure by the time I was 11.

    Well, when I was 13 my 18 year old cousin moved in with us. We had to share a room, and after a couple months he began molesting me. My parents found out (I still to this day don't know how) after about 3 months of this, and had him arrested. Well they worried for me, and made me submit to Christian counciling, worring it would make me gay. I had to lie to my feelings and ensure my folks I had no after-effects from my cousin raping me.

    Now I'm sure they're going to blame that incident for who I am. I'm friends with my cousin again and even fantacize about our encounters from time-to-time and I would hate to have them blame him for something when he didn't know any better. He's a great guy, and I'd like my parents permission for us to be together, but I'm just not sure how to convince them our feeling are natural.

    You are right. I guess I used the wrong words to describe our "encounters" together. I just used the words that "they", meaning my parents and the counselors used. After all the time they spent trying to brainwash me into feeling that it was wrong I guess it kind of became the way I described it and made me feel even more alone in my feelings.

    I have spent many years feeling guilty about this. At first I thought it was wrong, but I loved it so much when we were together. He was very gentle with me and he was not domineering towards me. That language is kind of what I would have said to the counselors to hide my shame. I know now that it was exactly what i wanted all the time. I really loved him.

    Over the years my father has always made some pretty off color jokes about people like us to me. It made me feel even MORE different. I would always laugh really hard to hide my feelings. Deep down I knew that I was gay, but I didn't want to say anything to him or even try to talk to him about it.

    I am just really scared about the whole thing because I have to let them know. They really have been great parents and I love them. I don't want to hurt them. I just want to begin my new life. I want to live with him and be with him. I do not want to hide it anymore, but I am really afraid of my parents disowning me.

    Men are just so much more attractive to me. I love him and his body. Especially after all his time in prison. He was there for ME. We have kept in contact all these years and I am so happy to be around him now. I am truly in love with him. I am so gay it hurts.

    Its probably some guy fucking with Cow. I couldn't imagine him signing up to one of these forums and giving some fucked up story about falling in love with his cousin.

  8. #8
    Is that supposed to be some dude that posts regularly at WRH?

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    What did I just read...

  10. #10
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Great, now your employer is going to block WTF from you, TK.
    Find a new slant.

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