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Thread: Marcus Vick forced into the Draft?

  1. #1

    Marcus Vick forced into the Draft?


    He was dismissed from Va Tech, does this mean he is going to have to enter?

  2. #2
    Yeah unless he wants to quit football

  3. #3
    Anyone have thoughts on where he would go in the draft? i remember mid season some out there were saying he was better than V.Young.

  4. #4
    Depends on how he sees himself fitting into the NFL. I was only half joking when I said in another topic that the Falcons should pick him. They're close to being a solid playoff team, and I don't see any rookies making the kind of immediate tweaking a couple of seasoned veterans could accomplish via trade or FA.

    Sign Marcus and have him play behind his brother.

    It'd be a helluva PR move. Of course, it could backfire, too.

  5. #5
    Right now considering everything that just happened with Clarett plus after being kicked off the team he is likely at best a 4th rd selection. I would bet he get drafted in the late 5th early 6th, I doubt there is a Shanahan gamble on him.

    The off field issues are too much baggage, couple that with the hype he may bring because his name teams don't want that circus as first day pick.

    Don't get me wrong he has late first to second round talent however his off field stuff is a huge red flag. Plus unlike most juniors scouts haven't really had much more than this year and a handful of games as freshmen to examine to say how durable or teachable he really is.

    I just think that as of now there are too many better options at QB for teams to look at. I see Vick being this years McPhereson.

  6. #6
    The Falcons dont need to get another Vick on that team. The one they have now has never led them to the a SB and he is 100x better than his brother.

    Also Vick will get worse every year rather than better, unless he does a 180 in passing the ball. Every year Vick gets a little slower and losing some quickness and makes his running skills a tad bit easier to handle.

    What is a budkow.....isnt that something I shit out of?

  7. #7
    you can't always let drama cloud your talent goggles. look at Randy Moss. He still gets suspended now and then but he's a success in the league wouldn't you say?

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by koolaid
    you can't always let drama cloud your talent goggles. look at Randy Moss. He still gets suspended now and then but he's a success in the league wouldn't you say?
    There was no doubt about Randy's skills. After seeing a little over 1 year in college from Marcus there isn't enough proof he can be a good a pro QB. I think even the best pro prospects at QB are looked at with skepticism to have baggage only hurts your case. Also Randy Moss had a past but prior to the draft showed to be worth the risk because he had been out of trouble for awhile. Marcus has yet to prove he can stay ot of trouble. Sure nothing he did recently was all that bad but to ignore stern warnings from the school, raised more character issues. I don't think talent alone is enough in pro sports when talent is so close between prospects.

  9. #9
    He can transfer to a I-AA school and play one more year to get his stock up again. I don't think many teams will take a chance on him. He's no better than Randel El was really, and he's not even playing QB anymore.
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    Alan Garner: It's where I keep all my things. Get a lot of compliments on this. Plus it's not a purse, it's called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one.

  10. #10
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