Quote Originally Posted by H1Man
Quote Originally Posted by dennymclain
Quote Originally Posted by H1Man
The only thing that Mac's have going for them is the fact that they look prettier (as is every Apple product).

Other than that, PCs are better in every aspect.
Nope. Macs are better integrated and streamlined than PC's. That's why a 1.47ghz PowrPC is faster than a 3ghz intel or AMD box. It's less about the processor and more about how everything is routed. A mac takes far less steps to perform a function than most PCs.

As for spyware. Well, now that the Mac OS in Unix based (has been for a while), it's more vulnerable to spyware than before. I use NetBarrier. It stops portscans and pings pretty damn well.
Yeah, Macs are better integrated because Apple makes all the hardware but no way in fucking hell are they faster than PC's. I will guarantee it. I went through enough benchmarks to know that a Mac can't touch a PC when it comes to raw speed and performance. Besides, wouldn't you think there would be a lot more people using a 1.47Ghz PowerPC if it offers better performance than a 3Ghz Intel/AMD?
PC's are definitely faster, but Mac's are more stable and you can run them really hard without it totally taking a dump on you.