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Thread: Professional Wrestling

  1. #491
    If he's considered to be so unsafe, then maybe he's off camera so that he can work on his wrestling skills? I know wrestlers have done this in the past, particularly in WCW.

  2. #492
    I have read that Orton thinks Kennedy is "unsafe".

    I find that funny, cause the only dude Kennedy ever seems to injure is himself!

    Maybe Orton is just worried that if Kennedy does stay healthy for a long period of time Kennedy would take his spot as that 4th guy behind Triple H, Cena and Edge?
    Rise like Lions after slumber,
    In unvanquishable number -
    Shake your chains to earth like dew
    Which in sleep had fallen on you -
    Ye are many - they are few.

  3. #493
    An amazing Smackdown last night, featuring three great matches. The match of the night had to go Edge/Morrison, with Edge pulling out the victory. The match was very Heyman-esque: near-falls, tons of spots, and a great story being told in-ring. I miss the days Heyman was in charge of Smackdiddy.

  4. #494
    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Thanatos
    An amazing Smackdown last night, featuring three great matches. The match of the night had to go Edge/Morrison, with Edge pulling out the victory. The match was very Heyman-esque: near-falls, tons of spots, and a great story being told in-ring. I miss the days Heyman was in charge of Smackdiddy.
    Agreed. Smackdown, now that the stupid Vicky/Edge bullshit is done, is pure wrestling, and THE best show the WWE has to offer.

    The Edge/Morrison match was unfuckingbelieveable. Just when your think either are finished, they pull an amazing move out of absolutely nowhere. Every week, it seems, Morrison pulls off a little masterpiece. He's got the looks, moves, and mic skills. It's only a matter of time.

    I'm digging the CM Punk angle, with him "winning" each match in an unconvincing fashion. It's really beginning to get to him (not sure if it genuinely bothers him, or it's all an act... he's pulling it off nicely). I'm beginning to wonder if Jericho doesn't start trying to get into his mind to face turn CM Punk. After all, the fans booing CM Punk for, literally, doing his job is EXACTLY what Jericho keeps preaching each and every week. It would be a natural evolution of the storyline.

  5. #495
    Smackdown is without question the best wrestling show right now.

    Edge, Jericho, Punk, Hardy, Morrison and Rey-Rey are the new "Smackdown 6"

    Back when Heyman wrote the show (and the Undisputed Champ was shared by the 2 brands) Heyman came up with a brilliant tag team storyline involving Eddie and Chavo v Angle/Benoit v Edge/Rey.

    That one feud alone gave Heyman a ton of singles matches, tag matches and triple threat matches. It made the whole fucking show.

    The group they have now has the potential to be just as good and the only thing I hope is that Shelton Benjamin can get into that group of 6 if Hardy takes time off after "The Bash" PPV
    Rise like Lions after slumber,
    In unvanquishable number -
    Shake your chains to earth like dew
    Which in sleep had fallen on you -
    Ye are many - they are few.

  6. #496
    So, TNA had their Slammiversary PPV - the 7th anniversary of the fucking company.

    And in 7 years they have not learnt how to book the World fucking Title.

    After Sting's long-ass reign they shifted it to Mick Foley - I didn't like it but understood it since Foley is well known outside of wrestling and can cut great promos.

    I thought he'd enjoy a long-ish reign before putting over someone like Samoa Joe or AJ Styles or even Abyss.

    What did they do?

    They have the King of the Mountain match at Slammiversary between Foley, Styles, Joe, Angle and Jarrett. The issues between all of them are/were:

    Foley v Jarrett = control of TNA
    Foley v Angle = don't like each other
    Jarrett v Angle = don't like or respect each other
    Joe v Angle = hate each other/Joe wants to hunt and kill Angle
    Joe v AJ = even brothers fight.

    How did it end?

    Joe is up the ladder about to hang the belt, winning the match and becoming World Champ when he HANDS KURT ANGLE the title belt!!!

    Angle hangs it to win the match and become Champ!!!


    Are these bookers fucking stupid or what?
    Rise like Lions after slumber,
    In unvanquishable number -
    Shake your chains to earth like dew
    Which in sleep had fallen on you -
    Ye are many - they are few.

  7. #497
    IMO they can go 1 of 2 ways here:

    ONE: Joe is now part of the Main Event Mafia - the fucking group he's been trying to "kill" for the last year (or thereabouts). They kick Sting out and go full blown heel and attack Sting, AJ, Jarrett, Foley and others.

    This makes the MEM the heel stable they were supposed to be and even in the Shades of Grey shit they book TNA fans would have a hard time cheering MY Main Event Mafia.

    My MEM is one that:

    powerbombs little Amazing Red off the production truck onto a car roof.

    beats the snot out of Suicide, then unmasks him on Impact as Frank Kazarian.

    drags Abyss, Raven and Dr. Stevie Richards into a locker room, padlocks/barricades the door and then "listens" to the carnage.

    drags Foley out to ringside and whips his fat ass all over the ringside area before Samoa Joe "executes" Foley with a Musclebuster onto the announcer's desk.

    that goes to Jeff Jarrett's home, drags his ass out into his backyard and proceeds to shave his fucking head bald while his daughters scream and cry in the background.

    that goes to AJ's grandma's house (been shown before) and takes her "hostage" to prevent AJ from interfering in a match on a live edition of Impact.

    that goes to Sting's "home" and proceeds to burn all the shit he's collected from his "Iconic" career, including title belts and images of Flair, Hogan, Bischoff etc

    Who the fuck is gonna cheer my MEM?

    But that just sets the scene for a Sting v Angle match at the Bound For Glory PPV, after which Sting is rumoured to retire. Joe v AJ could take place on the undercard.

    Two: Joe and Angle move away from MEM, which is really the only logical thing that can happen. Angle can explain that after being "demoted" from the position of "Godfather of MEM" he was pissed and set about forming his own stable, full of real talent, real fighters and not has-beens.

    Angle explains he enlisted Joe because Joe hates the MEM as much, if not more than he does. They could enlist AJ and Daniels, who also have history with MEM or recruit Morgan (wanted to join MEM but Sting refused) or Eric Young (who is now feuding with Jeff Jarrett) and this stable can go full blown heel against a face group of Sting, Booker, Nash and Steiner.

    Again this would lead to a Bound For Glory PPV main event of Sting v Angle with a possible 3 v 3 undercard match of Joe, AJ and Daniels v Steiner, Booker and Nash. This would help to hide the fact that Steiner and Nash are way past it in the ring.

    Or the undercard could feature Joe v Nash (and they have a lot of history) plus AJ/Daniels v Steiner/Booker (playing on the fact that Steiner and Booker were part of 2 of the most dominant teams in the 1990's).

    Personally, I prefer option 2, since Joe joining the MEM group makes ZERO fucking sense in the storyline and I'll call bullshit if they try to explain him joining the group in anyway whatsoever.

    Option 2 would also give TNA the opportunity to reward AJ and Daniels with top line battles against the big name MEM.

    By the end of the year many predict that Sting will be gone from TNA so this whole story (along with Morgan's little interaction with Sting) could finally see TNA elevate some of their own success stories with the MEM angle.

    Bound for Glory could be the big send off for Sting. He would have to lose to Angle, but then on the next Impact he claim that he's done and that's it's time to retire. He could then "pass the torch" to Morgan, who would replace Sting in the MEM (by this stage Morgan would have to be on a big win streak and be dominating dudes).

    That would led to many months of Booker, Steiner, Nash and Morgan as MEM v the Angle Alliance of Angle, Joe, AJ and Daniels. By the time this MEM storyline was ready to be killed off in a "Lethal Lockdown" battle next February TNA would have positioned Joe, AJ, Daniels and Morgan as main event players.

    So what happens when Angle's team wins the Lockdown cage match?

    Steiner and Nash retire quietly (no big fucking send off for either of them). Morgan and Booker can have an arguement and Booker would turn face for his final year in the ring.

    The Angle Alliance? At some point Joe would turn on Angle in an effort to win the title. It's obvious. AJ and Daniels would side with Joe. Angle could then recruit the Motor City Machine Guns (representing Michigan!!!) and we have another stable war.

    By the end of 2010 TNA has Angle, Joe, AJ, Danels, Morgan, Sabin/Shelley in money positions.

    And I thought of this shit in 2 fucking seconds!!!!

    Dixie Carter - give me the fucking book already.
    Rise like Lions after slumber,
    In unvanquishable number -
    Shake your chains to earth like dew
    Which in sleep had fallen on you -
    Ye are many - they are few.

  8. #498
    That is the worst ending for a PPV/Main Event ever.

  9. #499
    I am guessing they will give this explanation:

    Joe wants to hurt Angle and by handing him the belt, then beating him for it Joe delivers the ultimate fuck you to Angle.

    If they use that I think that's the dumbest shit known to man.

    Joe should have pushed Angle off the ladder, hung the belt and then splashed Kurt from the top of the ladder. Then pick up a chair and smash him senseless.

    That's how you deliver the ultimate fuck you. NOT by giving him a World Title.
    Rise like Lions after slumber,
    In unvanquishable number -
    Shake your chains to earth like dew
    Which in sleep had fallen on you -
    Ye are many - they are few.

  10. #500
    Smackdown's main event is going to be pretty awesome. "Rage in the Cage" featuring Y2J/Rey/Hardy/Edge. RAW cannot touch that.

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