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Thread: Professional Wrestling

  1. #231
    Looks like they're turning Cena into Austin Lite, and not a moment too soon.

    Kicking Show in the nuts. Getting into Edge's head. Threatening Guerrero. Outsmarting all three at once.

    This is more like it.

    Also, Legacy is ganging up on HHH, just like you predicted, Pharaoh. Guess they ARE reading your posts. Perhaps a WWE troll amongst us?

  2. #232
    Quote Originally Posted by DennyMcLain
    Looks like they're turning Cena into Austin Lite, and not a moment too soon.

    Kicking Show in the nuts. Getting into Edge's head. Threatening Guerrero. Outsmarting all three at once.

    This is more like it.

    Also, Legacy is ganging up on HHH, just like you predicted, Pharaoh. Guess they ARE reading your posts. Perhaps a WWE troll amongst us?
    Well, they could copy my stuff, but honestly it's just smart booking.

    By making the entire Legacy stable strong (as opposed to just Orton) HHH's final victory will be much more "significant" as you will feel like he overcame greater odds to succeed.

    That's the formula they used for Austin, are using for Cena right now and will continue to use for every top flight good guy.

    The heels are supposed to cheat and gang up on the good guy - they're the bad guys. The good guy eventually has to overcome the stacked deck and prevail in the ultimate showdown.

    Then the cycle can start again. That's wrestling. The heels control everything because a good guy is only as good as the bad guy makes him.
    Rise like Lions after slumber,
    In unvanquishable number -
    Shake your chains to earth like dew
    Which in sleep had fallen on you -
    Ye are many - they are few.

  3. #233
    Best Raw in a while, IMO

  4. #234
    And a good storyline between Vickie/Edge/Showster. The security cam footage is hilarious. Priceless.

  5. #235
    Does anyone else notice that every storyline outside HHH v Orton and Michaels v Undertaker is kind of shitty?

    You've got the 3 way with Cena, Edge and Big Show - when Cena v Edge was good enough for everyone.

    You've got Jericho trashing legends left and right but at this stage it seems Jerry Lawler is gonna be his opponent. It should be Hogan or Austin

    The Money In The Bank match doesn't have the "right" people in it. Kane and Mark Henry won't suck as the smaller guys need some big guys to do the catching but WWE could have/should have included guys like Mike Knox, Rey Mysterio, John Morrison and Evan Bourne (who will return before Mania).

    The JBL Intercontinental Title feud hasn't even started yet (though could end up with us seeing JBL v Mysterio)

    Once again the US Title won't be defended on the show, as Shelton Benjamin is in the Money in the Bank match. It seems the only reason Benjamin is still in WWE is so he can be in the ladder match every year. BTW, every single winner of the Money In The Bank match has gone on to win whatever title they challenged for. This year is likely to be the first year that doesn't happen.

    This Mania seems just kind of crappy to me.
    Rise like Lions after slumber,
    In unvanquishable number -
    Shake your chains to earth like dew
    Which in sleep had fallen on you -
    Ye are many - they are few.

  6. #236
    Re: Money in the bank. If Cena beats Show and Edge, with Show and Vicky sticking together, it will be interesting to see if Christian wins MOTB, challenges HHH and uses Edge against him, turning heel and reuniting Edge and Christian. This will keep HHH on Smackdown and offer him his very own Legacy-type heels.

    Re: Lawler and Jehrico. I'd LOVE to see Austin v. Jehrico, but if it's a Lawler (or Flair) and Jehrico in a LUMBERJACK match with the ring surrounded by legends, and with Austin as special guest ref (big surprise, eh?), now THAT would be entertaining.

    What's interesting about the Jehrico storyline is that none have shoved the "weren't you a DJ or something, failed, and then you came back" line. I think he was a DJ, but I'm not sure WHY he came back other than that he was being wooed by TNA at one point. Perhaps it was a bidding war.

    I've never been a huge fan of any wresler grappling past 45. I simply don't buy it. Unless you're Gordie Howe or Ray Guy or MJ, or a NASCAR driver, there is NO WAY a 45 year old can hang with a 25 year old.... unless he cheats. If it's Flair and Jehrico in a lumberjack match, with all of the vets outside the ring in on the cheating with Flair, that might be a lot of fun to watch.

  7. #237
    Haven't watched in about 5 years, but I agree on the old guy shit. Why is Flair still out there? I know it's all scripted, but they really make it more unbelievable when they put some 60 year old out there to wrestle. I don't call it fake, because it's physically demanding and people actually get hurt (and die sometimes), but how can you trot out a 60 year old like that and expect people to think he could actually compete with 25 year olds?
    Phil Wenneck: The man purse. You actually gonna wear that or are you just fuckin' with me?
    Alan Garner: It's where I keep all my things. Get a lot of compliments on this. Plus it's not a purse, it's called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one.

  8. #238
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  9. #239
    I was thinking about this yesterday, the Rock made a pretty smart move to give up football and wrestle, then act. I bet he makes some serious money now.
    Phil Wenneck: The man purse. You actually gonna wear that or are you just fuckin' with me?
    Alan Garner: It's where I keep all my things. Get a lot of compliments on this. Plus it's not a purse, it's called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one.

  10. #240
    Quote Originally Posted by Gl'enn
    mantits have amazing powers
    Post of the year so far

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