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  1. #1

    Professional Wrestling


    Gonna sticky this because:

    I can
    WrestleMania is coming up
    I might go away for a week or something and you guys post so much stuff this might end up on the second page and I'm lazy and don;t wanna look for it.
    WWE has gone down hill in the last few months. They are keeping a ton of talent on the Raw roster, but using the same guys over and over. Smackdown has significantly less talent, but shows different guys every week. They need to fix this, or people will lose interest.

    TNA is off to a great start after landing Christian. Sting has also just been signed, and they are rumored to be in the hunt for Jericho(currently touing with Fozzy) and Benoit(contract expires soon).

    A little war is starting in TNA between Jarrett's crew and Christian's crew.

    Jarrett has Abyss, AMW, Team Canada, and Monty Brown(is probably better off turning on Jarrett and joining Christian) on his side.

    Christian has Team 3D, Rhyno, and probably Sting.

    I think this is setting up perfectly for TNA to make a jump to the big time. WWE, WCW, and ECW had their best ratings with feuds like this. It is also the perfect oppertunity to debut their newly signed talent and to develop a strong fan base. But, supposedly there is still more talent coming. A few months ago there was a hidden message in the impoact intro, saying "Rhino is here, and more are coming...........to TNA".

    Since then, Team 3D(Dudleyz), Christian, Jackie Gayda, Gail Kim, Kip James(Billy Gunn), and Sting have made their way to the company. Many more are rumored to be headed there. Hopefully Jericho and Benoit go there too.
    Last edited by Pharaoh; 02-24-2009 at 08:42 AM.

  2. #2
    This is what happens when you've got a monopoly -- you get lazy. Competiton keeps you sharp.

    Which is why SC is gonna clown Texas.

    This could be the best thing to happen to the WWE.

  3. #3
    Benoit will not be joining TNA.
    Rise like Lions after slumber,
    In unvanquishable number -
    Shake your chains to earth like dew
    Which in sleep had fallen on you -
    Ye are many - they are few.

  4. #4
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pharaoh
    Benoit will not be joining TNA.

    (too soon?)
    Find a new slant.

  5. #5
    WWE changed alot. Fuck theres no more of the legends. The last time i checked, all the weird fucks are champions.

    But i think the divas are quite sexy. Im not into WWE anymore...it jsut isnt what it use to be

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Pharoah
    Benoit will not be joining TNA.
    There are still rumors going around that he will lose to Booker T in the best of 7(after the 7th match). And, the same rumors have said that he is ready to negotiate with TNA.

  7. #7
    kdawg: I would really like to see Benoit in TNA but haven't the rumours of him leaving been going around for a while?

    Wasn't he supposed to lose in a clean sweep and then bolt for TNA?

    That leads me to believe his contract has already been extended or it soon will be.

    WWE needs to keep him because:

    Eddie Guerrero passed away

    Chris Jericho is gone for a while

    Edge is injured again

    Brock Lesnar isn't coming back anytime soon

    Steve Austin and The Rock have bashed the product

    John Cena is getting more boos every day

    Kurt Angle is carrying an injury

    Batista is injured

  8. #8
    Yeah, the rumors have been going for awhile. But, doesn't his contract end in February?

    I think Batista is going to wrestle while injured.

    Boogeyman needs to "accidentally find the European title" in a trash can somewhere and start defending it. That would make for great TV.

    This kid Lashley has been really impressive. I think he will get a big push in 2006.

  9. #9
    There is so much wrong with WWE that I don't know where to start.

    But I'll try:

    Why is Edge talking shit about Flair?

    Isn't there something better he could be doing that puts him a little closer to the title?

    Whatever happened to Shelton Benjamin v Shawn Michaels? It seemed they were running with that for a week or 2 and then suddenly they don't have anything to do with each other.

    Carlito, Masters and Chavo Guerrero should be used better and they need some tag teams to provide a change of pace on both shows.

    On Smackdown they suffered through a ton of injuries and the death of Eddie has really hurt the roster, but why don't they use this time to promote the cruiserweights and tag teams?

    WWE has options, they just constantly fuck things up.
    Rise like Lions after slumber,
    In unvanquishable number -
    Shake your chains to earth like dew
    Which in sleep had fallen on you -
    Ye are many - they are few.

  10. #10

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