Quote Originally Posted by bukdow View Post
I feel that people like you are why America is declining. You are so obsessed with being tolerant, multicultural and diverse that you lose all sense of perspective and reality. I understand that you and your perspective are way more en vogue than mine today, however, that does not ameliorate the fact you are comically wrong and I am stoically right.
I'm fine with talking about this.

There's nothing about PC or not PC here. I don't even try to accuse you personally of being a racist.

However you make this blanket statement based on race. Where are your facts to support this? Do you have some sort of evidence that Detroit HS coaches are blindly following UofM based on nothing more than their own beliefs and that they think it's better for black students? Do you have anything at all to support your claim?

Forget any big picture or political ramifications, let's just deal with the issue. You brought up race. You then make statements that are clearly based on race alone. Who cares what the statements themselves are, can you back that up? If not your arguments are specious (see, I can use big words too) and without any real merit to them.

Please, if I'm comically wrong, feel free to show why I'm wrong. Support your blanket claims with argumentation, fact and data where possible and then feel free to throw in a good Q.E.D. to really pedantically hit home your point (hell, make sure you put it in the full Latin AND translate it).

Actually let's get big picture here. You say that the "Great Welfare State" is what's ruining this country. Back that up. Show me how and where that's the case. Give me real data from unbiased sources on how that's true. I can have some beers and spout shit too. But arguments need to have some validity. They need to have something behind it. And personal observation when discussing a society is not even close to enough.

And if that's how you feel America is declining, all right for you. However I believe that America is declining because people on every side of any argument have decided that emotional blanket statements without any real proof of their arguments are way more interesting than discussion and consensus. I find America is declining because discussion is being substituted with the insult and the rah rah cheer.