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Thread: An honest question for youse Lions fans

  1. #1
    Glenn's Avatar
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    An honest question for youse Lions fans

    STAFFORD: Best Lions QB since ... ?
    Find a new slant.

  2. #2
    A person who tells lies. Tahoe's Avatar
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    Feb 2006
    Just fibbing, you guys!
    Who gives a shit? Not trying to be mean, but who gives a shit about rating how good or bad he is? If and When we go to the playoffs and we start to do something in the post season, then its time to talk about him. Until then, WGAS! They all are losers. I want a title.

    Who is our best RB or QB is what Lions fans have had to hang there hat on for decades. Its nonsense to rate players when in fact they are all losers. When we start winning games in the playoffs, we can rate them.

    I actually did get up on the wrong side of the bed today.
    Players meeting my ASS!

  3. #3
    Glenn's Avatar
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    I give a shit, so do many of my fellow Detroit Lions fans.
    Find a new slant.

  4. #4
    How good he is has a direct effect on winning games, including the playoffs.

    That being said, easily the best QB they've had in my lifetime. Can't really comment on anything prior to that.

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by DrRay11 View Post
    How good he is has a direct effect on winning games, including the playoffs.

    That being said, easily the best QB they've had in my lifetime. Can't really comment on anything prior to that.
    I agree. Started watching in the Peete/Kramer/Ware era and he's the best I've ever seen.
    Phil Wenneck: The man purse. You actually gonna wear that or are you just fuckin' with me?
    Alan Garner: It's where I keep all my things. Get a lot of compliments on this. Plus it's not a purse, it's called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by geerussell View Post
    -Eric Hipple
    I loved this answer. I remember when that bearded dude was going to be the Lions quarterback savior. He was the first one in my memory as well.

    I've joked here before that Kramer is the Lions best quarterback of my lifetime because he is the only one to ever win a playoff game. Really that's not true. He was the right quarterback at the right time. It's so hard to say this, but Wayne Fontes actually won that game. It was like the one and only genius moment ever for that man. The Cowboys were ready for what the Lions had always been doing, the same run and shit offense that Fontes had put in ('cause why have tightends, fullbacks and running sets when you have the best pure running back in history? I swear I want to kick any and everyone in the junk who thinks Emmitt Smith with the line he had was actually better than Barry) and used no matter what. Fontes actually shifted strategies, passing patterns and played the seams that the Cowboys were going to give him. You can't even make Rain Man jokes here and I'm not talking about it being offensive or not. Rain Man has a genius for numbers. Fontes somehow pulled a nugget of gold from the shit of his coaching on that one single, special day.

    Stafford physically destroys any QB I've ever seen play for the Lions. Hands down. He's also got more balls than just about all of them put together (pretty easy when you have Scott Mitchell and Joey in that mix). He's actually shown poise and the ability to comeback. The truth is he's really done nothing at all yet but is still the best Lions QB of my lifetime and maybe since Layne. However that's as much an indictment of Lions suckitude as it is of him being a potential great or elite QB.

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