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Thread: general tigers thread

  1. #1

    general tigers thread

    awesome jackson: i've seen people say pitchers are exposing him this year. i dont think so. he went into a slump late in spring training and they knew he'd start bad till he got out of it. im not worried at all because he was extraordinarily consistent last year. even if we send him to toledo for a tune up i wont worry.

    rhymes: like his speed, but with sizemore doing well in AAA, i'd rather give him another shot. rhymes' production has been terrible. a handful of singles 10 games in is pretty bad. then theres the question of why not let santiago get some action?

    mags: im glad we only gave him one year. yeesh. i think we need to see raburn given an everyday position. between mags' and boesch's bad play, + dh, you'd think there would be more opportunity for him. its not like either of those guys are winning gold gloves, either.

    victor: like him. he even threw a guy out when we let him catch.

    i think the tigers have been as bad as their record, and i blame leyland in part. don kelly batting 6th?

  2. #2
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Ramon Santiago is sort of like this team's Will Bynum.
    Find a new slant.

  3. #3
    Langlois Insider Vinny's Avatar
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    Santiago plays good D though.

    Cha cha cha.

    I'm reppin' Jesus Christ and Conservative views....

    Quick piece by VINNY which was a logo style of his. VINNY also did two letter throw up's by the name of FI 2.


  4. #4
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Any chance we could buy low on Dan Uggla?
    Find a new slant.

  5. #5
    would you trade victor martinez for adam dunn right now?

    me: no. not because of dunn's slump, think he'll pull out fine. but victor as backup catcher is too valuable to give up. and i prefer the professional hitter approach to dunn's 1 strikeout for every 2 ab approach.

    but its close.

  6. #6
    heres the lineup i think the tigers should be using:

    2nd: santiago
    OF: boesch
    1b) big mig
    dh: martinez
    ss: peralta
    c: avila
    OF: rayburn
    3rd: kelly
    OF: jackson

    rayburn, kelly, and santiago could play position musical chairs. but i think mig needs to move up, and jackson needs off leadoff until he gets on base better than 3 in 10 times.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by b-diddy View Post
    would you trade victor martinez for adam dunn right now?

    me: no. not because of dunn's slump, think he'll pull out fine. but victor as backup catcher is too valuable to give up. and i prefer the professional hitter approach to dunn's 1 strikeout for every 2 ab approach.

    but its close.
    No. hell no.

  8. #8
    Langlois Insider Vinny's Avatar
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    He needs to spend a few weeks in the Dr Ray health thread to get in shape. I love him, he's one of my favorites, but I wouldn't even think about trading Victor for him right now. Bat-speed doesn't look like it's there.

    I'm reppin' Jesus Christ and Conservative views....

    Quick piece by VINNY which was a logo style of his. VINNY also did two letter throw up's by the name of FI 2.


  9. #9
    Yeah time spent on the internets in a health thread is good for your health

  10. #10
    i know i've said this a bunch before, but i do not like coke as a starter. his era isnt bad. its actually right around average. but i am confident we can replace what he's giving us as a starter alot easier than replacing what he gave us as a setup man.

    look at the numbs. he's 1-7 as a starter. he has 5 quality starts of 13. his numbers are even a little skewed because he's had a few great starts. not really fair to take those away, but just a couple of his starts really make his numbers alot more respectable than they've been.

    consider how much our bullpen has hurt us this year, how much he helped it last year, and that any farmhand could be 1-7 and 5/13 qs.

    having a lefty starter isnt that important. its time to do the right thing and send him back to the pen.

    other ramblings.

    dont like mags getting a turn at the 3 hole again. dont care if its for one night or not. i'd rather don kelly bat 3rd than mags. bat him 6th if you want him in the lineup. 3rd should have boesch's name chiseled in stone.

    speaking of don kelly, he needs to terminate brandon inge. terminate, with extreme prejudice.

    how this guy is back in the lineup is beyond me. mono last for 2 months, inge-- not 2 years. he can make excuses for sucking to start the year, but... uh... he's sucked alot longer than that. go away, inge!

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