Quote Originally Posted by b-diddy View Post
its not the taxing of subsidies, its the fact that the gov just gave employers an incentive to cut health insurance. since it appears i have to have health insurance regardless, what do i care if a job offers insurance? but for my company? in my situation, i believe my boss pays between 6 and 10 thousand dollars per employee for insurance. under obama care, they can pay a 2000 dollar fine instead, and uncle sam will suddenly have a bigger cost than expected. we have about 50 employees, lets say insurance is 8k, thats 300k savings a year thanks to obama... if thats what they ended up doing. 300k savings for my boss, not america, thats a debit to america.

whats the fix? raise the penalty, right? well, many jobs cant afford to pay for health insurance. i dont know how much the subsidies will counter this, but even at a penalty of 2k, jobs that other wise would have existed simply wont. raise the penalty, more jobs vanish.

What makes you think that Uncle Sam is going to pay for your health insurance if your employer drops you? Perhaps you may get a subsidy to pay for part of an individual insurance plan if your income is low enough. Otherwise, you pay a fine and have no health insurance. However, the cost to you for your employer to drop his coverage is far from zero.