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Thread: Fire GM Joe Dumars

  1. #1
    Joe Asberry's Avatar
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    Gordon, Villa, RIP,Stuckey-who needs defense anyway?

    Fire GM Joe Dumars

    Joe Dumars has made a lot of questionable moves since trading Chauncey for capspace... (extending RIP & Maxiell, overpaying Gordon, Villa and Wilcox, dealing AA for capspace, Kuester hire when Avery was available) to me & everyone else it was clear there are 2 big holes up front, we needed a new starting PF AND C...he did get a new PF but failed to aquire a starting C, big time...Okafor was available and he was available for a salary dump...and if they really wanted Chandler we had EVERY opportunity to get Chandler, make no mistake, Chandler was available for a lesser contract like Kwame(rumored Big Ben-Chandler deal)...so instead spending the capspace in a starting C, Dumars invested almost 12 mil per year and most of the capspace in a backup SG/PG and has no intention & possibilities to deal RIP...thats inexcusable, we wasted the best opportunity to get a quality starting C, the hardest position to fil in the NBA, we will be too good to get a good draft pick to fil that starting C position with the draft, and the MLE next year wont bringt in a better C than Okafor...to me Joe D was in the big chair too long(+ or he's missing someone like Hammond to talk about his moves) its time for him to step down...

  2. #2
    Joe Asberry's Avatar
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    Gordon, Villa, RIP,Stuckey-who needs defense anyway?
    i might have overracted a bit, you might want to change the thread in: Opportunity wasted, Okafor was available! ...or sth like that, still i am pissed

  3. #3
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
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    The Curry move came before the Chauncey move, and that was even more questionable when considering what followed after. Avery was available back then as well.

  4. #4
    Glenn's Avatar
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    While I wouldn't go so far as to say he should be fired, recent developments just lend creedence to the theory that Hammond was a pretty critical part of the decision-making team.

    Maybe Joe needs a new right-hand man.
    Find a new slant.

  5. #5
    Or maybe Joe has been using his right hand too much cutting off the blood flow to his brain!

  6. #6
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Joe is a very good Jerry West-type "face of the franchise" guy. Players respect and like him, and that aura comes in handy.

    But even West had his Kupchak.
    Find a new slant.

  7. #7
    As P mentioned in another thread, there is no proof that Emeka was available on July 1 or whatever the date is for trades. Joe did make his moves very fast, which I'm disappointed with, but one can argue that he did his best of what he had available. Tyson was pretty much a nono by failing 2 physicals(PHX and OKC). Sure he expires 2 seasons later, but that still leaves a 7 footer just sittingon the bench eating our capspace for the time being.

    Avery wanted more than the head coaching spot if im correct. Joe not willing to give that up is understandable, plus Avery still had some shit with the Mavs? He probably made the best choice, again of what was available.

    About a month into the offseason, Joe pretty much gave up all leverage in raping a team with financial troubles but I'm almost sure he didn't know Okafor was available. There's no way Joe wouldn't have gone for him. Or maybe he has some "character" issues. Larry Brown did say Okafor didn't have as much passion for basketball, meaning hes not dedicated enough into putting more work into his game.

    We can't really become a third team unless we part with one of our players most likely rip or tay, which sucks. To say he should be fired?? not yet, we should see how this "core" turns out to be....

    but i'm still pretty disappointed with this offseason...

  8. #8
    CLEVELAND'S FINEST Zekyl's Avatar
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    Doesn't Chandler make more than Prince, yet they expire at the same time. I feel like if we were going for Okafor, we could have still gotten him with Prince's contract. Charlotte takes on less salary, still gets it off the books at the same time, plus Prince isn't an HUGE injury risk. The only explanation is that either A) we weren't going after him, or B) Charlotte wanted a big man and is rolling the dice on Chandler's health. Either way, I'd have done everything I could to get him.

    I've been screaming for us to get Okafor all freaking summer. This sucks.

  9. #9
    The thing that amazes me the most:

    IIRC Joe took over in 2000 when this franchise was fucking DONE! It was beyond done - it was just so fucked there is not a word to describe it.

    Endless flame outs in the playoffs. Management fucked up every possible chance to get Grant Hill some support. We all knew he was gonna bolt. And into the fire walked Joe Dumars - the franchise's 2nd favourite Son. He walked in like Moses and fucking saved his "people" - the entire fanbase.

    He took us from a Lotto season to the fucking title. From playoff pussies to Conference Champions I forgot how many times in a row. From horses heads to smashing heads.

    And after 1 shitty fucking season and a few questionable moves the "Fire Joe" shit starts again?

    Fuck that!

    I can not believe this.

    You might not like the course Joe has chartered but if you're a real fucking fan you will at least travel part of the way with him. You owe him that much. 3 fucking NBA titles and you question the man? Dude!

    It's basically common knowledge now that I hate the way things are headed, with the league and the franchise. But as a fan I can't do squat to change it. All I can do is support my team and hope they play with heart and guts and an elbow to the jaw every now and then.

    Stick with him and if this all turns into a giant turd then you can bail on him. But at least give him the chance to rebuild. He rebuilt the franchise once before and I was pretty fucking happy with the job he did then. We even made the Finals twice, got a title and won (memory is shot) I forget how many Conference titles for years and years.
    Rise like Lions after slumber,
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  10. #10
    The Healer Black Dynamite's Avatar
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    Having an awkward moment just to see how it feels.
    While Kstat may suck too much Dumars dick sometimes, you guy are hating on him way too extreme. Fire Joe Dumars? really? Any muthafucka who feels like that should be forced to watch the teal years on endless repeat for eternity.
    Stalked by a Mod who gives 1 percent credence.

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