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Thread: E3 2009

  1. #1

    E3 2009

    Anyone been following so far? Microsoft has had some pretty big announcements. A MGS project for the 360 as well as "Project Natal" which looks very promising, but looks like it's a long way off yet.

  2. #2
    The Star Wars trailer was pretty amazing. I've never been an MMO guy but I'll have to give this a shot.

  3. #3
    I DVR'ed all of the big press conferences. (Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, EA, etc.) It doesn't get much geekier than that, I know. I have only watched Microsoft's and the EA Sports part of EA's and I gotta say Microsoft absolutely blew me away! I thought it was fantastic talking about their game line up with Beatles:Rock Band, MODERN WARFARE 2, (WOW!) an actual skateboard that you use for the new Tony Hawk game, Alan Wake, a new Splinter Cell, and Halo: ODST. Then they went on to say Netflix will be upgraded, you'll be able to watch full 1080p HD shows and movies immediately (no downloads!), a new radio service, plus facebook and twitter will be available to use on the 360 in the fall.

    But the Project Natal revelation just blew my mind! Playing without a controller? Full body motion capture, and facial and voice recognition! Think about the possibilities for games in the future with that technology!

    Microsoft owns.

    Last edited by Moodini31; 06-03-2009 at 05:51 PM.

    "The Forcier is strong with this one." - Boda.

  4. #4
    Now watch Sony's. It has some of Natal and the Wii in it...

    I expect them to try and copy Natal's tech more though (face and voice recognition).

  5. #5
    This trailer looks sweet:


    Quote Originally Posted by WTFchris
    MoTown is right.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by DrRay11
    Now watch Sony's. It has some of Natal and the Wii in it...

    I expect them to try and copy Natal's tech more though (face and voice recognition).
    Will do. Here's another Natal clip. Now by no means would I ever want to do something like this in a game, but think about the interactions you'll be able to have in future RPG's, etc.

    "The Forcier is strong with this one." - Boda.

  7. #7
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