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Thread: The torture thing

  1. #271
    I still find this thread hilarious.

    "Excuse me, judge. My confession can't be used cause them assholes tortured me. I confessed to whatever they wanted to stop [insert torture technique here]. I'm innocent, Your Honor. I swear."

    Confession would get kicked out of court and dude goes free.

    Way to save the world, USA.

    You guys are gonna let a bunch of terrorists get off because you CHOSE to torure them. Should have listened to me and just fucking shot 'em on sight and buried them in the desert.

    If their desert wasn't big enough we got a big one in Oz, it's called the outback and you could bury a million fuckers out there.
    Rise like Lions after slumber,
    In unvanquishable number -
    Shake your chains to earth like dew
    Which in sleep had fallen on you -
    Ye are many - they are few.

  2. #272
    Big Swami's Avatar
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    Mar 2007
    look at this caca water, it's disgusting!
    Quote Originally Posted by Pharaoh
    You guys are gonna let a bunch of terrorists get off because you CHOSE to torure them. Should have listened to me and just fucking shot 'em on sight and buried them in the desert.
    Correction: we're gonna let a bunch of accused terrorists get off because we CHOSE to torture them and now it's gonna be impossible to tell which ones are actually guilty, or important enough for us to really care about.

  3. #273
    The Gay Blade Zip Goshboots's Avatar
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    dex and the WLA are my bitchez
    Here's what I don't get: The average "terrorororororst" is like the average ding-dong drug dealer on the corner who gets caught. They are the bottom of the food chain, usually don't know who gives orders, where they come from, and get them on the day they are supposed to act. So what good does it do to torture a guy who had a few maps or guns and grenades in his cave and was just waiting for his orders? Even if you catch them in the field or in the act, what do they know? That they had to check outside their door every morning for a pile of camel or goat shit to dig through for their insructions to strap a bomb to their chest and run into a mall? That they had a huge pile of guns in the back of their hut that every once in awhile some fuckers came to get and killed a few peeps so the villagers wouldn't tell the Americans about them?

    And to Pharaoh's point: That might have worked in the US goes and takes Afghanistan and uses it as a sort of quiet "base" where the cover up is "nation building" and inrastructure creation )you know: roads, utilities, industry, JOBS FOR AFGHANIS, schools, even (I can't believe I'm saying this) churches and mosques. And all the while making nice with villagers and local tribal leaders--who fear the taliban and terororororororistsmore than anything and KNOW those fuckers are brutal--so they can safely work with you without fear of being killed or watching their family memebers tortured and killed so they stay quiet. And then--yeah--you go out and quietly start killing the fuck out of the people you KNOW need to be killed. And hells yeah, hook their balls up to a car battery to get info--but again, you have informants, people who know they can trust you and vice versa--and not some 17 year old kid whose family was just wiped out by an American bomb or a 17 year old kid whose father served him up so the rest of the family wouldn't be mutilated--and knows NOTHING in probably the vast majority of cases.
    Winning breeds confidence. Losing breeds reality.

  4. #274
    Glenn's Avatar
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    The Buxtons are not thieves.
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    New report: CIA threatened to kill 9/11 suspects children

    Updated:8/24/2009 3:09:31 PM

    WASHINGTON (AP) -- A Justice Department official says Attorney General Eric Holder has picked prosecutor John Durham to investigate CIA mistreatment of terror suspects.

    The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the official was not authorized to disclose the decision. Durham is already investigating the destruction of videotapes of CIA interrogations, and now will examine whether CIA officers or contractors broke laws in rough handling of suspects.

    The decision comes as the Obama administration releases a newly unclassified CIA report detailing CIA treatment of terror suspects. The report says one interrogator threatened to kill the children of a Sept. 11 suspect, and another may have threatened to assault a suspect's mother in front of him.
    Find a new slant.

  5. #275
    Good. Torture and kill all of them. Lop off their heads and FedEx them to the leaders of countries which support terrorism. These cunt-ries hate us anyway, so let's fuck them up and spit in their face -- might as well have a little fun in the process.

    ^ = liberal eruption

  6. #276
    Quote Originally Posted by DennyMcLain
    ^ = liberal eruption
    ^^ = conservative porn

  7. #277
    A person who tells lies. Tahoe's Avatar
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    Feb 2006
    Just fibbing, you guys!
    It's sad that you believe that...or are posting intellectually dishonest posts.
    Players meeting my ASS!

  8. #278
    Science behind US coercive interrogations missing in action

    The article will appear in Trends in Cognitive Sciences, a review journal that devotes space to "Science and Society" articles. Its author, Shane O'Mara from Dublin's Trinity College, largely sidesteps the ethical issues involved with the use of coercive interrogation, although he does not shy away from labeling the techniques adopted by the US "torture." Instead, what he attempts to do is reconstruct the models of human psychology that might be used to rationalize the use of coercive interrogations. He then proceeds to show that these have no basis in modern neurobiology.

  9. #279
    Unfortunately, that will have zero effect on anyone.

  10. #280
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
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    Apr 2006
    Professed cognitive scientists are surprisingly lousy at using cognitive science to manipulate people into cognition.

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