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Thread: Thanks Joe Dumars.....

  1. #1

    Thanks Joe Dumars.....

    .....for making us the laughing stock of the league.

    .....for blowing yet another draft.

    .....for hiring an incompetent coach.

    .....for not replacing that incompetent coach.

    .....for trading away our starting PG for too little.

    .....for trading away our best big and then bringing him back to a team so bad that he probably won't re-sign.

    .....for watching all of our younger players actaully get worse.

    .....for doing virtually nothing in free agency.

    .....for doing nothing at the trade deadline.

    .....for overpaying Maxiell.

    .....for making the Palace the Cavalier's second home.

    .....for even hinting at bringing back Mr. Tech, Rasheed Wallace.

    Joe, Thanks for taking a great team and burning down to the ground. Please cancel my season tickets and my order for the Stuckey jersey.

  2. #2
    We aren't the "laughing stock of the league". It doesn't make sense to criticize for both losing a good player and bringing that player back. Dumars isn't in charge of who Palace Entertainment tries to fill the Palace with and I haven't heard this "hinting" that Sheed will be back (but I might have missed something).

    Other than that. I agree.

  3. #3
    Glenn's Avatar
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    This is going to sound a little weird, but I actually wouldn't be totally shocked if Joe D walked away from the job in the next few weeks.

    While the situation that he is in is a bit of a "kid in a candy store" opportunity for a GM, it's also a great time to hand it off to someone else and feel that you left things in a good place.

    Davidson passing away could also factor into a decision like this.

    Joe's got other aspirations outside of the NBA, his Fieldhouse chain is about to go national, and who knows what else he would like to do.

    I can imagine the rollercoaster ride that he has been on could be quite draining.

    Will he be invigorated by the possibility of another coaching search and a team rehaul, or will it drive him away?

    I'm not saying that it's likely, I just think that it's possible.
    Find a new slant.

  4. #4
    calling the Pistons the laughingstock of the league is just making yourself look like a tool.

    Joe BUILT all those things and he had every right to tear it down when he felt it was time.

    Frankly, I'd rather have 15,000 cavs fans at the palace than one of you, so thanks in advance for promising not to show up anymore.

    Shit, I'd rather have 100,000 Ohio State fans at the bighouse than one of you. They show more class.

    My only regret is that you didn't finish by asking WTF to unrenew your membership so I didnt have to put up with more of your spoiled entitled garbage here. Oh, what could have been. This could have been a perfect moment.

    At least we got you out of the Palace, although I doubt swine like you has the balls to keep to his word. That alone would have been worth a 39-43 season. You're every bit the cancer Michael Curry is.
    Last edited by Kstat; 04-27-2009 at 09:33 PM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Kstat
    calling the Pistons the laughingstock of the league is just making yourself look like a tool.

    Joe BUILT all those things and he had every right to tear it down when he felt it was time.

    Frankly, I'd rather have 15,000 cavs fans at the palace than one of you, so thanks in advance for promising not to show up anymore.

    Shit, I'd rather have 100,000 Ohio State fans at the bighouse than one of you. They show more class.

    My only regret is that you didn't finish by asking WTF to unrenew your membership so I didnt have to put up with more of your spoiled entitled garbage here. Oh, what could have been. This could have been a perfect moment.

    At least we got you out of the Palace, although I doubt swine like you has the balls to keep to his word. That alone would have been worth a 39-43 season. You're every bit the cancer Michael Curry is.
    Your name calling shows just how classy you are! I'm glad that you are happy at how Joe has run the team and believe that as long as you did a good job before, you can screw it all up and it's ok. I don't agree.

    Spoiled or entitled would be whining about the team losing or a single bad move. The issue is that Joe has made bad move after bad move and at the very least deserves some criticism.

    I admit that I am a horrible fan. How dare I want the team to succeed. How dare I take offense when we are laughed at on Sportscenter. How dare I criticize the GM for making bad moves. I guess that I should just be a mindless drone.

    So you can just sit there and believe that everything will be ok and that Joe has done a great job and will fix everything.

    If you don't like my posts, feel free to ignore them!

  6. #6
    Agree that everyone has a right to post their POV

    Agree that Joe has fucked up some moves

    Disagree that he should be fired because we've had 1 really bad season (that saw us reach the playoffs as the #8 seed) since he took over.

    Some people have unrealistic expectations and I think you, micknugget are one of those people.
    Rise like Lions after slumber,
    In unvanquishable number -
    Shake your chains to earth like dew
    Which in sleep had fallen on you -
    Ye are many - they are few.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by micknugget
    If you don't like my posts, feel free to ignore them!

    Or we can call you stupid.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Pharaoh
    Agree that everyone has a right to post their POV

    Agree that Joe has fucked up some moves

    Disagree that he should be fired because we've had 1 really bad season (that saw us reach the playoffs as the #8 seed) since he took over.

    Some people have unrealistic expectations and I think you, micknugget are one of those people.
    Yeah, would he change his tune with a great offseason.

    Suppose we move Tay and Amir (picks if needed) for Bosh. Then suppose we get another big in here (Chandler/Lee/Boozer/etc). Would he then feel Joe should be fired? It's possible to come out smelling like roses on this one. If that happens, it was definitely worth the sting of a bad season.
    Phil Wenneck: The man purse. You actually gonna wear that or are you just fuckin' with me?
    Alan Garner: It's where I keep all my things. Get a lot of compliments on this. Plus it's not a purse, it's called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Hermy
    Or we can call you stupid.
    By the way, in the Grade Joe Dumars Poll, 47% gave Joe a D or F. Add to that the 17% that gave him a C and you have a majority that think he did an average to below average job.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Gl'enn
    This is going to sound a little weird, but I actually wouldn't be totally shocked if Joe D walked away from the job in the next few weeks.

    While the situation that he is in is a bit of a "kid in a candy store" opportunity for a GM, it's also a great time to hand it off to someone else and feel that you left things in a good place.

    Davidson passing away could also factor into a decision like this.

    Joe's got other aspirations outside of the NBA, his Fieldhouse chain is about to go national, and who knows what else he would like to do.

    I can imagine the rollercoaster ride that he has been on could be quite draining.

    Will he be invigorated by the possibility of another coaching search and a team rehaul, or will it drive him away?

    I'm not saying that it's likely, I just think that it's possible.
    LOL, we should stockpile GMs now instead of SGs.

    If Joe was going to leave, he wouldn't have let Hammond leave 5 minutes ago. Think about your conspiracies before you spread them please.

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