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Thread: Rip is being a little bitch...

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  1. #1

    Rip is being a little bitch...

    I guess Iverson has to be the bigger man here.

    Leave it to Rip Hamilton to walk all over the coach and tell HIM who's going to start and who isn't.

    It'd be nice if Curry or Dumars showed some balls and told Rip he could stay inactive if he's going to value his own playing time over winning games.

    Hamilton, speaking informally before the game, was clearly not keen on coming off the bench. When asked what he thought would happen once he got back healthy, he said he planned on returning to the starting lineup.

    "That's the only option," he said.

    When it was suggested that coming off the bench might be another option, he said, "That ain't happening."

  2. #2

  3. #3
    A Great Name Timone's Avatar
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    I guess we now know what Rip is short for -- Ripped Vagina.

  4. #4
    RIP is the guy ive identified most with out of any of these pistons throughout the years, and to see him turn into a bitch like ben wallace this truly hurts my heart.

    I was gonna say why cant the pistons model the Spurs type of mentality of selflessness (mainly Ginobili) but in reality...we're the complete opposite of the Spurs

  5. #5
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Irony
    but in reality...we're the complete opposite of the Spurs
    Looks like we've actually got a shot at this, then.
    Find a new slant.

  6. #6
    but ben had an out, rip is stuck here less he bitches until we trade him or pulls a marbury which i doubt. Sure joe may have pulled the wool over his eyes with the billups trade but fuck he is getting paid millions of dollars to play a GAME. Grow the fuck up go to meijer and buy a pair and quit bitching.
    It's like marvel drew a man genetically engineered to fuck your girlfriend.

  7. #7
    That's as good as a trade request in my book. Don't let the door hit ya Rip.

    To be honest, I enjoy this team more with him out. He's got an agenda, and he has become an absolute punk dealing with the refs (worse than Sheed IMO). Take that me-first attitude to a losing team, at get us back an expiring and a prospect/pick, or a big to put next to Sheed.

  8. #8
    Mabye, and call me crazy, Joe and Mike have spoken with Rip already....work with me here, I know this is just fucking insane....and let him know his role when he comes back. And it isn't coming off the bench. So that isn't happening. And you all are the vaginas.


  9. #9
    A Great Name Timone's Avatar
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    If that is the case, can Rip still be the vagina?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Douche Baggins
    If that is the case, can Rip still be the vagina?

    Yes, there is plenty of puss to go around.

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