So I had five people lined up to go with me to see Mola tonight at the Magic Bag. Two days ago 3 of them canceled for a sudden family thing (my buddy, his brother, and his brother's wife). I hit up some people from work and got a few "that sounds interesting if I'm in the area" type replies but I didn't expect much from them and honestly it was pretty last minute that I even thought to try them. Tonight, the two left over tried to convince me to hit this girl's party instead of going to the show. They ended up going to the party but I wouldn't budge and ended up going it alone to Ferndale.

Fuck them all, I made the right choice.

First thing that needs to be said. The cello player, something Price, dude slaughters the masses on this fucking cello. I went in thinking it was going to be this weird sort of novelty thing. The kid is fucking Tom Morello up there. The first couple songs I was impressed but thought the band could use like a lead guitar that could get a little wild during the bridges or something but then they pulled out this Voodoo Child cover and it was clear that what they need is a rythm guitarist so this guy is free to go on killing sprees more often. Just my opinion and what do I know but the more often that guy is allowed to cut shit to pieces with that bow in his hand the better.

Mola was tighter than I expected. He had rhymes that hit on the down beats and not just the end of the verses which was nice to see. His lyrics were more complex then I expected from a bar band and he had zero trouble with the flow which I expected to be the case. Anthematic rap is more my style, something with a good hook and only a few sly verses is more what I'm into rap wise, while Mola was definately more like the story teller type with a full pregression through each song and not just filler to get to the hook as quick as possible. Kid even worked the crowd a bit coming into the seats during songs and hinting at things to come between songs. More of a stage presence then I would have guessed going in.

The drummer kept a good rythm. He didn't have much of a chance to showcase himself in the songs that I heard but he didn't seem to hold the band back at all. A couple of songs had a little bit of what seemed like transition problems where the flow seemed to get caught up a litte between a tempo change or something but that's really the only negative I can say about the entire performance. It was a lot more polished then I ever expected and even though fatherly responsibilities forced me to leave two songs before the end (if Mola didn't lie about only going for three more songs) I left pretty hyped to see them again.

Two opening acts, one of whom played Wanted Dead or Alive by mother fucking Bon Jovi and I still left happy. The Definition put on a damn good ahow and I recomend catching it the next time they play if you can.

Honestly man, I walked away impressed as hell.