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Thread: LOL @ FOX News

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by xanadu
    Fox news commenter makes "funny joke" about osama, obama, we would be better off if they were both assassinated. Haven't seen that type of hillarious "joke" on any of the other networks.
    Wow, that is really bad. Her retraction made it even worse. She talked about making it appear that she wished Obama harm and that wasn't the case. Um, how else can you take that?
    Phil Wenneck: The man purse. You actually gonna wear that or are you just fuckin' with me?
    Alan Garner: It's where I keep all my things. Get a lot of compliments on this. Plus it's not a purse, it's called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one.

  2. #22
    A person who tells lies. Tahoe's Avatar
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    So its up to each person to decide who they watch. I don't care what news network you watch (I take MSNBC out of news, they are entertainment, imo) you have to filter stuff out. No network is perfect but Fox is the best, imo.

    You guys post these clips and honestly I don't know who half of them are half the time. So does that mean a quarter of the time I know them?

  3. #23
    Well, when I watch Keith Oberman and Dan Abrams I expect them to pull the most entertaining items to show. if I'm watching primary coverage I'll put on CNN because you'll get both sides of the story (they've got supporters of every canidate on). It depends on what you are really looking for. Of course everybody can choose what they want to watch.

    But, when I see crap like that there is no way I'd ever listen to a program that uses that lady ever again. It's very rare for me to watch Chris Matthews or Glenn Beck either because of some of their comments.
    Phil Wenneck: The man purse. You actually gonna wear that or are you just fuckin' with me?
    Alan Garner: It's where I keep all my things. Get a lot of compliments on this. Plus it's not a purse, it's called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one.

  4. #24
    A person who tells lies. Tahoe's Avatar
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    Just fibbing, you guys!
    I watch Britt Hume. Both sides, NPR peeps and conservatives.

    For entertainment, H&C sometimes, if there is something interesting legal wise, its Greta.

    Bill O'Reilly has interesting topics but he won't SHUT THE FUCK up. I wanna hear what his guests have to say, but he interrupts them constantly. Even peeps he agrees with. He's an inconsiderate prick.

  5. #25
    A Great Name Timone's Avatar
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    I go to WTF for my politics fix.

  6. #26
    A person who tells lies. Tahoe's Avatar
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    ^ we need video streaming.

  7. #27
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tahoe
    I know you love this stat but I'm going to say it again. FoxNews beat CNN and MSNBC combined in viewership.
    There are a lot of Republicans/conservatives in this country.

    Give them all a single channel that tells and shows them what they want to hear/see and they will watch.

    The rest of the networks all compete for who remains.

    Maybe an oversimplified example, but that's the way I see it.
    Find a new slant.

  8. #28
    If I may ramble:

    The trouble is, as Tahoe put it, televised news is entertainment. They haven't the time/resources and we haven't the cares to be educated as to the facts of situations. So they substitute genuine discussion with the only thing they can muster, false angst and a desire for repair.

    IMO this is where the whole "liberal slant" on news happened. The trouble with that rant is that most news worthy events during peacetime are liberal. Face fact, when they report on something it's usually troublesome, and how do we solve trouble? Research based government. Or, at least that's an intelligent answer that's hard to dispute in the wealthiest country in the world. Hurricane happens, spend some money, get someone some help. Liberal. Unsafe at any speed? Spend some money, make them safe. Liberal. Seatbelts save lives? Have the government force you to wear them. Liberal.

    Now, this worked great for 100 years following the printing press. "Hey, look, there are 8 years olds smelting iron in this steel mill". Awesome, someone stops it. Trouble is, come the year 2000, not that much shit in the US is fucked up and we don't care about your country. Yeah, veterans end up homeless, the humane society is killing cats, and some fucking toy is unsafe for your baby. But how safe is it? Is it so unsafe we should spend millions of dollars to create government commissions to fix it? Is that the utilitarian answer best for our society? Could we have the government spend that money on cures for disease, or not tax an industry so they do it for us? That is a tough question my friend, not one for our forth pillar to present to us.

    This was coupled with an incredible boom in coverage brought on by the expansion of cable and increased costs in producing fictional TV programing. With 10 times the news coverage and half the news, what did the outlets do? Look for extremes to capture some specialized pockets of viewers.

    So in pops fox news using the "sell you some news" strategy, but without the intrinsic quest for betterment. Instead lets ask "hey, got an argument? Great, your opinion is just as valid as the next guys with no recourse for the truth." They were able to remove the nasty "let's make everything right" paradox and replace it with "lets have this guy tell us how to make everything". Then they had that guy be conservative. Well, kinda. They had him be a pseudo conservative who defended whatever line was popular with Republicans that day.

    Now, that shouldn't have worked, but when you're swimming in a shallow pond everyone gets muddied up. The argument "stop being a pussy" is fine when:

    A. The guy is a pussy

    b. The audience hates pussies

    C. The audience hates foreigners and we're discussing whether or not to fight a preemptive war on foreign soil.

    Turns out half of America hates foreign pussies. Fox won all the ratings battles, and all the networks overreacted and moved in that direction looking for scraps. Then MSNBC caught on that a populist movement was rising, moved to the other extreme, and last week Olberman almost beat O'Reiley.

    Now, my thermostat reads that most Americans are pissed off but don't know what to do? Question is can someone formulate a network using Fox's system but instead of political extremes, use intelligence extremes. "hey, tune into us, no one is yelling, and we're talking about the inner workings of the federal reserve".

    Let's hope.

  9. #29
    Insomnia has lead me to watch quite a bit of Fox sometimes. Well, a lot of new channels really, CNN, BBC and Sky as well. And I admit to sometimes flipping to Fox just to see what they're up to.

    I believe that a lot of reporting in news can have a bias. It's hard for any journalist or editor or reporter or producer to be 100% objective. Fox however has two components to it, it is both sensationalist and partisan. And you get the feeling that it's with an agenda.

    First of all Fox never fully just reports a news story IMO. Whereas in other news reporters start a story with something like "Today a man in Detroit..." Fox immediately starts with a comment "Well you would think that some people have common sense, but as we all know, there are a lot of people in (insert place) where that's just not the case..." That leads to some eyeball-popping, unbelievable remarks like the terrorist high-five (though that entire story is pretty skewed anyway).

    Fox also finds some very obscure news story that will allow them to push their political agenda (and I do believe they have one). Some city counsel or school board in podunk Indiana will make some decision that Fox can run with. They will run that story every 15 minutes, of course starting off with some comment about how incredibly stupid something or someone is and then give more information about the story itself. And that's as far as it will ever go. You don't see a local reporter interview anyone at all, let alone seeing both sides of the issue. My favorite trick is that they will then find 1000 ways to interject that story, or it might be said their spin of that story, in every segment of their show. They'll be interviewing someone about something that has absolutely nothing to do with the issue and out of no where ask about the issue, phrasing the question in what I think is a very manipulative way and making for any answer other then the one they're looking for sound completely stupid, weak or anti-Amercian.

    They're without a doubt the most sensationalist station in my opinion. They will run over and over stories about men who've killed their wives or teenage killing sprees and give important international issues a cursory glance at best. When a major tragedy happens somewhere else in the world you can flip through news stations and more often than not you can see every station in the world but Fox covering the story.

    Why is it the most popular? Because that's what appeals to people. But don't think I believe it's a US phenomenon. Not at all. It's international and it's growing. So many people like hearing about people portrayed as idiots so they can say to themselves "what a moron", especially when it comes to politics. So many people care more about the horrible, tragic death of the person they've never met who lives in their city over the tens of thousands of horrible deaths in some place they've never even heard of. I don't think that's necessarily wrong itself, it's human nature. However I do think Fox cynically tries to exploit it as much as they can.

    I guess this is my not-yet drunk rant of the night.

  10. #30
    A person who tells lies. Tahoe's Avatar
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    I shouldn't make an attempt at humor after 2 thoughtful posts by Herm and DE, but yesterday Fox had a picture of guy with his name underneath (de Cock), then a lil description of the story. I'm not kidding, it was something like this

    Picture of the guy

    de Cock


    De cock about face. I find that hilarious. 2nd grade humor? Maybe, don't care its funny.

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