Its fucking absurd. The crap that makes the headlines. The shit that we're fed. The shit we focus on is all shit.

I don't like any of these motherfuckers right now. They all suck. BO isn't ready, he keeps fucking up and truthfully, I'm not sure he does know the details about his health plan and all that other shit. He's fucking green.

Hillary if a fucking lying cunt. She's a fucking bitch and isn't worth 2 squirts of piss and she's actually in the running to be prez. Its fucking absurd.

McCain is fucking retread of retreads. Older than fucking dirt and can't give a speach (inspire) anyone to save his ass.

And to watch the 2 dems last night pandering to the fucking religious peeps for votes was laughable. Talk about McCain kissing up. That was plain fucking uncomfortable to watch.

And another thing... Every time somone fucks up, the next person throws all this fucked rationale bullshit that doesn't mean shit. Its a crock of fucking shit. These fuckers none of these fuckers are worth a shit. They all suck.

This is the best we have to choose from?

All these lil misteps by a candidate is all we focus on cuz thats all the fucking piece of shit media gives us.

Hillary, BO and JM should have to get white boards and do a show and tell on why their health plan is the best without all the stupid fucking insults and shit. And do the same for the fucking economy and what the fuck their going to do with Iran.

And fucking Iran is going to get nukes when any of these 3 pussies are Prez. So we'll put that on Israel to deal with I guess, cuz none of these 3 women will do anything about it.

Fuckin cocksuckin son of a bitch.