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Thread: 2008 campaign for the Prez

  1. #1
    A person who tells lies. Tahoe's Avatar
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    Just fibbing, you guys!

    2008 campaign for the Prez

    Its fucking absurd. The crap that makes the headlines. The shit that we're fed. The shit we focus on is all shit.

    I don't like any of these motherfuckers right now. They all suck. BO isn't ready, he keeps fucking up and truthfully, I'm not sure he does know the details about his health plan and all that other shit. He's fucking green.

    Hillary if a fucking lying cunt. She's a fucking bitch and isn't worth 2 squirts of piss and she's actually in the running to be prez. Its fucking absurd.

    McCain is fucking retread of retreads. Older than fucking dirt and can't give a speach (inspire) anyone to save his ass.

    And to watch the 2 dems last night pandering to the fucking religious peeps for votes was laughable. Talk about McCain kissing up. That was plain fucking uncomfortable to watch.

    And another thing... Every time somone fucks up, the next person throws all this fucked rationale bullshit that doesn't mean shit. Its a crock of fucking shit. These fuckers none of these fuckers are worth a shit. They all suck.

    This is the best we have to choose from?

    All these lil misteps by a candidate is all we focus on cuz thats all the fucking piece of shit media gives us.

    Hillary, BO and JM should have to get white boards and do a show and tell on why their health plan is the best without all the stupid fucking insults and shit. And do the same for the fucking economy and what the fuck their going to do with Iran.

    And fucking Iran is going to get nukes when any of these 3 pussies are Prez. So we'll put that on Israel to deal with I guess, cuz none of these 3 women will do anything about it.

    Fuckin cocksuckin son of a bitch.

  2. #2
    Yes, BO mixes his words up once and a while, but I think he has the best chance at united the people behind him to make change. He also gets much better as he gains experience.
    Phil Wenneck: The man purse. You actually gonna wear that or are you just fuckin' with me?
    Alan Garner: It's where I keep all my things. Get a lot of compliments on this. Plus it's not a purse, it's called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one.

  3. #3
    CLEVELAND'S FINEST Zekyl's Avatar
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    So Tahoe, I hear you've taken a slight interest in the presidential election.

  4. #4
    A Great Name Timone's Avatar
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    I counted 20.
    Last edited by Timone; 04-14-2008 at 11:43 AM.

  5. #5
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tahoe
    truthfully, I'm not sure he does know the details about his health plan and all that other shit.
    On what do you base this particular remark?

    He's not promising as much, so he doesn't have as much to go over. I've seen no concrete evidence suggesting he doesn't get the particulars of his health plan, and much evidence to the contrary. His argument is that, by committing to less, it's more likely to get accepted by the people than an overall mandate, and make it through Congress. It's not "what's best for the American people" but "what the American people are likely to accept given the rules to date", and that's a huge difference. Obama and Hillary have said at various times that if they were starting from scratch, it'd be single-payer.

    We have a health care mandate in place today, called seat belts and "buckle up". The history of seat belt mandates should be required reading for anyone who thinks a general mandate is appropriate. Seat belts weren't mandatory in cars until the late '60s, but it took 20 years -- a generation -- for the general use just to START to be mandated, and the quest for seat belt mandates and issues of compliance is still relevant today.

    This is the best we have to choose from?
    Let's turn this topic into something other than a rant. Pick someone to run that people would know, who you think would be suitable for the Presidency. Most of them are smart enough to not be politicians, or have other fatal flaws. Maybe Big Swami would be a great choice... but God damn him for he is an atheist or Buddhist or some such shit. What about Warren Buffet? Too old. What about John McDonough, an uberhealthcare expert? John who? And a Wiggum ticket has obvious problems:

    Hillary, BO and JM should have to get white boards and do a show and tell on why their health plan is the best without all the stupid fucking insults and shit.
    Did you vote for Perot, out of curiosity?

  6. #6
    A person who tells lies. Tahoe's Avatar
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    Just fibbing, you guys!
    EvilTahoe sez...

    Why should I name anyfuckingbody? And its not about knowing someone. There are tons of fuckin peeps that aren't household God damn names that could do a better fucking job of running this fucking country then the fuckin thieves that are up there now.

    And it isn't about mixing up a fuckin word. he fuckin said it. Thats his fucked up sentiment. Small town peeps cling to guns and religion. Holy fuckin shit. That ainn't gonna get you any fucking votes.

    What I'm fucking saying is that his knowledge about the issues is really fuckin shallow. My opinion (however fucked up you think it is) has been formed over lots of speeches and shit. He makes rookie fucking mistakes. He's green. He'll be great in 4 years, but he aint fuckin ready now.

    These 3 fuckin douche bag senators are the best this country has to fuckin offer? Jesus Christ..what a fucking mess.

  7. #7
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Hmmm, EvilTahoe.

    This has potential.
    Find a new slant.

  8. #8
    NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH Uncle Mxy's Avatar
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    I don't think your opinion is fucked up, Tahoe. I think it's valuable, even when I don't always get where you're coming from. You brought up the health plan thing, so I'd like to hear more.

    What I'm fucking saying is that his knowledge about the issues is really fuckin shallow.
    On some issues, I'd agree with you. Provide:
    1) a specific actual issue (e.g. his health plan, not "does he ask for orange juice or coffee with his breakfast")
    2) how Obama specifically got it wrong, and
    3) what specifically the right answer is

    Why should I name anyfuckingbody?
    Because you're the one saying "This is the best we have to choose from?" (or in Evil Tahoe-speak "This is the fuckin best we fuckin have to fuckin choose from?!") Oooh colors!

    Provide a real human being's name that's better than the ones we have to choose from, and some idea of why you think they'd be better. Let's see if people agree with your choice, or have better choices. The only reason I specified known people was to make things interesting. If I told you that my brother would make a good president, that'd be a real short conversation since no one here knows anything about my brother.

  9. #9
    CLEVELAND'S FINEST Zekyl's Avatar
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    Tell us about your brother Mxy. Was he an older brother? Did he beat you up a lot as a child? Does your love of politics stem from the fact that you feel they can protect you from brotherly abuse? Would you vote for McCain because he's a war veteran that can kick your brother's ass?

  10. #10
    Big Swami's Avatar
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    look at this caca water, it's disgusting!
    That's the great thing about living in a republic - we don't actually need our elected officials to be geniuses or saints. Truthfully as long as the Constitution is held in high regard, it doesn't matter much who leads us. It's not entirely idiot-proof, but it's close.

    That's why the single most important characteristic of who I want my elected officials to be is: do they respect the Constitution in practice? This is the single question that makes me extremely reluctant to support any Republican who has been a Senator or Congressman over the last 8 years. The President has been asking everyone to ignore the Constitution's restrictions on the power of the Presidency, and his party's legislators have enthusiastically jumped on board. They do not respect the Constitution. They would rather have a system where decisive power is concentrated in the hands of a single person. History has been down this path before, and it leads to incoherent chaos.

    If you want to say our Senate and House are full of lazy, rich, elitist, self-serving douches, I don't know what to tell you other than "you may be right." But as unpleasant as those people may be, the powers of the Congress MUST be respected no matter what you think of the people who run the place. They are the institution of democracy at work, and they serve to exercise the real wishes of the citizens of the states and districts that elected them, on a scale that a President can only pretend to do.

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