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Thread: Post Of The Year Candidates -- 2008

  1. #1

    Post Of The Year Candidates -- 2008

    If you spot a damned good shot, copy it and shove that fat bitch here.

    Winner at the end of the year gets tea and crumpets with Sir Douche Baggins, International Man of Mystery.

    Quote Originally Posted by Big Swami
    That's a brilliant answer for a WTF poster. I'm not kidding you, that is really good. You kind of stuck it to me with that answer. I didn't think you could come up with anything that good. I'm not sure that's as good a post as Albert Pujols. It kind of pissed me off that you came up with such a good answer. I had a lot of great retorts, but you screwed me out of all of them. One day I'll be on my deathbed and my wife will ask me what I'm thinking about and I'll say, "I can't believe that son of a bitch Sir Douche Baggins came up with Pujols."
    That's quality you just can't teach!
    Last edited by DennyMcLain; 02-24-2008 at 12:44 AM.

  2. #2
    Big Swami's Avatar
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    Mar 2007
    look at this caca water, it's disgusting!
    I'm glad someone got the reference. I think someone has to recreate that press conference every time Pujols is mentioned in the MLB forum.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by e-ray
    I'm sad to see I didn't make an appearance last night.
    Inebriated genius.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Zip Goshboots
    "I'm a religious guy, I'm a moral guy" Motown, earlier in this thread.

    For my last word, I submit Post #28 in the Random ** thread, in a certain, shall we say, "room" on this forum???

    Religion and morals are always fucking great, when they can be used to pat oneself on the back. But when they are used to show one his hypocrisy, well, the one showing the hypocrisy is at fault, is he not?

    The trouble with religion is that it is a system that is set up to make you fail. You are never good enough for religion, and of course, for the skeptic, you are an easy target. Religion is for the ignorant, the empty soul, the weak. Prayer is for the fool. Wearing it like a bumper sticker is for the arrogant fool.
    The Word

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Fool
    Zip, I don't mean my "those answers are easy to look up" responses to imply I'm simply saying "If you only knew." I mean them to say that since I was voicing the Christian side of this discussion, the Christian answers to questions like "why did God do what he did" are VERY easily found on your own. If you don't want/haven't wanted the bother of finding them (and "find" is really an overstatement here) then I am guessing you don't really care about that version of the answers, meaning its pretty pointless for me to list them.

    If you are looking for something other than the Christian answer to "why did God do what he did", the logical answer would seem to be "he chose to but did not have to, since he's God and all" while the philosophical answer (one of them) would be "his nature made it neccessary for as God he can only act in one way and that is in accordance with his nature (otherwise he ceases being God)."

    What I don't mean to come off as is a guy who thinks he has all the answers because that guy doesn't exist. I am happy to play the Christian role in this discussion however and give that type of reply to the best of my ability.

    Swami, as for the limited nature of your voicing of the Christian creed. To your message I would add the following (yours in the orginial italics, mine in bold): Jesus is God. You are a sinner, and Jesus is the Savior, who spares you from hell only because of His Grace. You may pray to Him, and furthermore you may hope that you correctly interpret His answer, if He is so inclined to give one. But you are only weak flesh, and the best you can hope for is to experience disappointment and suffering all your life, and find transformative bliss in the afterlife. God is love and forgives all things. All are equal in his eyes so be not ashamed of your past deeds nor your future failings. Love thy neighbor as thy self and strive to be as loving as you can be. Make the essence of your life the striving to help others be as loving as they can be. You stated, following your description, "Rarely does anyone ever stop to think: how is this actually helping?" I would reply that maybe there are some (and perhaps even a great deal) who do not critically question the merit of the message they follow, but its extremely arrogant and I believe incredibly wrong to believe that almost none do so (that your are alone or almost alone in your meta-analysis). Such a statement displays an incredibly low opinion of the make up of an awful lot of people.

    My brother is a big fan of the idea of all possible universes existing concurrently with each other. Just thinking about that is fun. Think of all the movements you make in a day and all the different ways those movements could have been different in even terribly insignificant ways. Resting a hand on your lap instead of the arm of the chair. Then thinking of the stream of existence from that altered movement going off to colide with a different reality or even the one your experienced (since changing the resting place of your arm doesn't seem like it would effects much other than requiring an entirely knew stream of reality for a time). Then thinking of all those different types of reality weaving in and out of each other and a mind riding through them like a surfer on a wave.
    Maybe Plagerism, but good enough. Thanks, Barack.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Fool
    If a bass guitar is mid-life crisis material, end your life now.
    True dat.

  7. #7
    A person who tells lies. Tahoe's Avatar
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    Feb 2006
    Just fibbing, you guys!
    Quote Originally Posted by Tahoe
    Caption this..
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn
    Mission Impossible
    Players meeting my ASS!

  8. #8
    Glenn's Avatar
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    Dec 2005
    The Buxtons are not thieves.
    Blog Entries
    Quote Originally Posted by RandyBlackLad
    As a randy black lad,I've ALWAYS wondered why there's this stereotype about us
    that we love big butts.I'm into big boobs,not runaway rear-ends,so for me,rather
    than what's in a chick's(sometimes quite literally)elephant pants,I'm interested in
    the bombs bouncing in her bra!!!!!!
    Find a new slant.

  9. #9
    ^ That's like some kind of extenderd haiku remix.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by geerussell
    As long as they keep Isiah on in some capacity. I would hate to lose the entertainment of watching Zeke Ghost Ride the Knicks.

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